
As a result of cooperation between the Municipality and the private sector a another yard has been opened


Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan took part in the solemn opening of another well-arranged yard in the capital. Building of a new recreation zone in the administrative district of Kanaker Zeitun is one of the best examples of cooperation between the Municipality and the private sector. Once again “Coca-Cola Hellenic Armenia” company has participated in the improvement of yard areas in the capital.
This yard area which used to be uncared and unattractive for years today has opened its doors in front of the residents: with nice bowers, benches and playgrounds for children. The residents expressed their gratitude to the Mayor and to «Coca-Cola Hellenic Armenia» for improving their yard.
Mayor Taron Margaryan stressing the importance of Municipality-private sector cooperation said that the Municipality is always open and willing to cooperate with all those organizations and individuals which wish to have their contribution to improvement of Yerevan.
"We have handed to children and residents of Kanaker Zeitun another yard. And the main investor of the construction is "Coca-Cola Hellenic Armenia" company. We assure once again that the cooperation between the Municipality and the private sector always brings such results both for the population and for improvement of the city of Yerevan. Besides this company we have a number of partner organizations which have submitted applications for making similar investments and I am sure that the number of partners will increase in the years to come", said the Mayor.
The General Manager of «Coca-Cola Hellenic Armenia», Gaik Danielyan in his turn noted that development of communities is one of the priority directions of the company and opening of this playground proves it. "Healthy life style of children and their physical development is one of the priorities of the social obligations of the company and our successful cooperation with the Municipality of Yerevan will be long-lasting and will involve other fields as well", said Gagik Danielyan.
After the solemn ceremony of opening Mayor Taron Margaryan walked about the area of "Coca-Cola Hellenic Armenia" plant, visited the production department and the warehouse. The manager of the company presented the process of production of the soft drinks to the mayor, as well as showed him the production line corresponding to the highest international standards.

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