
The companies servicing the transport routes are obliged to service at late time as well


"The passenger transport in all the routes is to work at late hours as well in accordance with the schedule provided by the terms of the competition. The companies servicing the routes with violations are to be disciplined in accordance with the requirements of the newly signed treaties. The residents of the capital are to be served properly", said Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan during the regular working conference instructing the corresponding structures to set permanent control in this direction.
It was reported that in accordance with the fixed schedule repairing of holes and crack filling are going on within the framework of building and improvement programs of the Municipality of 2012. At the same time it was reported that stones falling prevention and repairing and fortifying of headwalls activities are coming to the end and as a result the segments of roads in the capital which were considered dangerous because of possible stone falling have become safe both for the traffic and the pedestrians.The head of the Department of Education reported that inspections and regular conferences are going on in kindergartens and schools with the aim of food catering control and exclusion of money collections. As a result of violations found out during the inspections carried out last week the directors of the school N 51 and the kindergarten N 60 have been dismissed.
Referring to the alarm calls received through hot lines the head of the Department of Control reported that about 100 phone calls were received in the administrative districts and corresponding structures subordinated to the Municipality during the previous week. The phone calls were mainly of communal character. It was reported that the major part of them had been solved.It was instructed to study the problems connected with gas supply of the buildings in the 16th quarter and submit the preliminary estimates with a financial assessment.
Regarding the issue of sanitary cleaning in the capital it was instructed to clean the fallen autumn leaves in all parts of the capital including yard areas. It was also instructed to involve economy entities in the activities in accordance with the norms of obligatory improvement of public areas.
It was reported that winter preparations had already started in the administrative districts. In blocks of flats condominiums carry out repairing of drain pipes, change broken window glass, thermo-insulation of inside networks. In parallel, salt and sand storage is going on.The Mayor instructed to set strict control over purposeful use of the money disbursed for lifts repairing and operating.
The head of the Department of Nature Protection reported that sanitary pruning dried and damaged trees and bushes and their designing was in the process as well. Regarding the citywide autumn tree planting announced for November 17 it was reported that appropriate quantity of saplings had been imported. Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan assigned the corresponding structures of the staff and the administrative districts to ensure active participation of condominiums and the population in tree planting, as well as to inform properly all the establishments and organizations to make the process more addressed.
It was instructed to submit conclusions on dismantling and restoration of communication lines in Yerevan only after carrying out studies on spot. It was also instructed to set control over the technical conditions given previously.To form the budget of 2013 it was instructed arrange conferences with the participation of the executives of all the structures subordinated to the Municipality.
The Mayor instructed to submit proposals regarding giving privileges in property tax to the families of azatamartiks and veterans. It was instructed to discuss and submit proposals regarding giving privileges in property tax on the workshops of the artists members of the Union of Artists.
It was reported that the activities of New Year decoration of the capital are also in process. Proposals are being worked out regarding establishment of certain standards of decoration.

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