
The results of the assessment and analysis of the work of the administrative districts in September and October have been summarized


The results of the assessment and the analysis of the work done by the administrative districts in September and October were summarized during the conference taken place in the City Hall of Yerevan. The conference was chaired by Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan. In accordance with the results the highest rates in September were fixed in Davtashen, Avan and Kentron districts. The rates of the two districts occupied the first two places stayed unchanged in October and the third horizon was shared between Arabkir, Malatia Sebastia and Kentron districts. Relatively low rates during these months were recorded in Kanaker Zeitun and Nubarashen districts.Related to income collection, particularly regarding waste management fee collection the Mayor instructed to be more consistent and carry out activities to increase the rates.
"Implementation of many community programs depends on the results of income collection. We should pay special attention on increasing efficiency of work arrangement in the staffs of the heads of the administrative districts", said Taron Margaryan.It’s notable that last month high results were recorded in the administrative districts in connection with proper organization and holding of various cultural events and the Mayor expressed his satisfaction in this regard.
Due to consistent and effective work in different spheres during these two months growing results were fixed in Malatia Sebastia and Shengavit districts.Referring to the results of assessment and analysis Mayor Taron Margaryan instructed to make the work more active to ensure maximal results and high rates. The Mayor also reminded that the staffs of the administrative districts which will show best results in the assessment and analysis summarized for the six months will be encouraged.

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