Diaspora Journalists Were Hosted in the National Assembly

On October 6 the participants of the 6th Pan-Armenian Forum of Journalists entitled “Ahead of the 100th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide” were hosted in the RA National Assembly. In the Session Hall of the parliament the guests had a meeting with the RA National Assembly Vice president Eduard Sharmazanov. Welcoming the Diaspora journalists’ visit to parliament, Eduard Sharmazanov presented the structure of the National Assembly and the directions of the legislative body’s activity. He greatly highlighted the organization of the Pan-Armenian Forum of Journalists, which gave opportunity to find the possibilities and ways of cooperation of the Armenian information field. The NA Vice President underlined the significant role that the Diaspora media had in maintenance of the national spirit, language and culture, in decently presenting the Pan-Armenian problems to the international community.
The NA Vice President answered the Diaspora Journalists’ questions.
The guests took a tour in the NA halls, got acquainted with the daily life of the parliament.