Presentation of the Book “Good Examples with Little Shortcomings” by the Deputy of Bundestag Wolfgang Börnsen in the National Assembly

On October 5 the presentation of the book “Good Examples with Little Shortcomings” authored by Wolfgang Börnsen, Deputy of the Bundestag of the Federal Republic of Germany, Chairman of the Germany-South Caucasus Parliamentary Group was held in the National Assembly. The “Konrad Adenauer” Foundation, Armenian Branch translated the book telling about the parliamentary every day life, the deputies’ work. The publication is designed as a contribution to supporting the MPs, as well as is aimed at informing the society about the legislator’s work. However, it is presented to the reader in attractive and available style.
The NA President Hovik Abrahamyan addressed those invited to the presentation of the book “Good Examples with Little Shortcomings:”
“Distinguished Mr Börnsen,
Honorable Mr Ambassador,
Ladies and gentlemen,
I am glad to welcome you in the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia. Today we are present in a beautiful ceremony, which is dedicated to the presentation of the book of my colleague, a long-year and experienced deputy of the German Bundestag, Head of Germany-South Caucasus Friendship Group Wolfgang Börnsen.
In fact, this is a work, which refers to the representative of the elected power by the people, written by an official, but with its style it is free of being official. The book describes in popular style and sometimes also in humor the parliamentary everyday life, a day which is characteristic to almost all countries with its similarities and differences. People create that everyday life, in the given case, deputies, who resemble with their duties and rights, and are different serving them to the interests of state and voter, and comparing them with regards to personal perceptions. It is understandable that the aspiration of comparing all this at utmost requires from the deputy manifestation of being a person of principle and exclusion of subjectivism.
The deputy’s activity supposes everyday hard work, during which different situations are created not only of legislative nature, but also of emotional nature, sometimes even of humouristic nature, which are not always noticeable for the society.
Bright example is Mr Börnsen’s described deputy, who does not avoid his responsibility to carry out his obligations towards the voter and ignoring the personal problems. It is characteristic not only to Bundestag, but also theoretically to all parliaments. It is desirable to be in that way also in practice.
I highly appreciate this imitative of translating and presenting to the Armenian society Mr Börnsen’s work by the “Konrad Adenauer” Foundation.
I congratulate all of you on the occasion of the publication and presentation of this useful and valuable work. I am sure that this book presenting the parliamentary work will cause big interest not only among the representatives of the legislative power, but also among the public in general.
Thanks for your attention.”
The author, Wolfgang Börnsen, who has been a deputy of Bundestag when he was twenty-five, presenting the book, especially highly appreciated it from the view of strengthening and deepening the Armenian-German inter-parliamentary relations, expressing hope that the work will interest both the members of the National Assembly and the public. He thanked the NA President Hovik Abrahamyan for support and warm hospitality. “I think this book should also serve the idea that the parliamentary democracy is one of the cornerstones of peace,” Wolfgang Börnsen noted.