Debates of the Annual Report on 2011 RA State Budget Execution in the NA Standing Committees

On September 26 at the joint sitting of the RA NA Standing Committees on Science, Education, Culture. Youth and Sport and Financial-Credit and Budgetary Affairs moderated by Artak Davtyan and Gagik Minasyan the reports on the programmes implemented in the spheres of science, education, culture, Diaspora, sport, youth and information, use of financial means allocated in 2011 were debated.
The RA Deputy Finance Minister, Chief Treasurer Atom Janjughazyan, noted that within the framework of the programmes under debate the payments for all the obligations assumed by the state bodies had been fulfilled completely and in time.
Presenting the general situation of the existing budgetary problems in every sphere he also touched upon the financial indices of concrete programmes.
The Minister of Diaspora Hranush Hakobyan noted that the year 2011 had been a crucial one for the Ministry, as 3 years had passed from its creation, which had been a good occasion to sum up the results of Motherland-Diaspora cooperation policy. Hranush Hakobyan presented all the programmes, which the Ministry of Diaspora had implemented, contributing to the Reinforcement of Motherland-Diaspora relations.
The Minister of Education and Science Armen Ashotyan presented the report of the implemented programmes in the sphere of science.
The Minister of Culture Hasmik Poghosyan presented the report of programmes implemented in 2011 by the Ministry.
The Minister of Sport and Youth Affairs Hrachya Rostomyan presented the report of the implemented programmes in the above-mentioned spheres.
Grigor Amalyan presented the report of the budgetary programmes of the RA Television and Radio National Committee, and Alik Harutyunyan introduced the report of the programme of the Armenian Public Television and Radio Company Council.
On the same day at the joint sitting of the Standing Committees on Agriculture and Environment and Financial-Credit and Budgetary Affairs the annual report “On 2011 State Budget Execution of the Republic of Armenia” concerning the spheres of agriculture, nature protection and water economy was debated.
Atom Janjughazyan presented the main indices of the executive of the above mentioned spheres, the RA Minister of Agriculture Sergo Karapetyan, the Chairman of the State Committee for Water Management of the RA Ministry of Territorial Administration Andranik Andreasyan and the RA Deputy Minister of Nature Protection Simon Papyan made detailed reports on the implemented programmes and expenditures in relevant spheres.