
Meeting at the NA Standing Committee on Foreign Relations


On September 26 the Chairman of the NA Standing Committee on Foreign Relations Artak Zakaryan met with Ernst Hillebrand, Head of the Department Central and Eastern Europe of Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (Foundation) and Michael Weichert, Regional Director for the South Caucasus of the same Foundation. Naira Gevorgyan, Representative of the Armenian Office of the Foundation was attending the meeting.

Welcoming the guests Artak Zakaryan has noted that Friedrich Ebert Foundation enjoys high prestige in Armenia. The Committee Chairman thanked the representatives of the Foundation within the public-political framework for making big investments. Mr Zakaryan has expressed hope that the Foundation will also cooperate with the Committee led by him.

Touching upon the foreign policy the Committee Chairman has noticed that Armenia’s European integration is an issue of political importance.

Upon the guest’s request Artak Zakaryan also touched upon the regional problems.

The Committee Chairman expressed willingness to support the activity of the Foundation.

Ernst Hillebrand, Head of the Department Central and Eastern Europe of Friedrich Ebert Foundation, thanked for the warm reception and for highly appreciating the activity of the Foundation.

Artak Zakaryan has mentioned that he is going to take part in the seminar on the theme “European Perspectives of Armenia” initiated by the Foundation, which will also attend the Deputy Speaker of the German Bundestag.

Other issues of further cooperation between the Foundation and the Committee were discussed.

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