Debates of the Annual Report on 2011 RA State Budget Execution Continue in the NA Standing Committees

On September 24 at the joint sitting of the RA National Assembly Standing Committees the debates of the annual report “On 2011 RA State Budget Execution” began. The RA National Assembly President Hovik Abrahamyan was attending the sitting.
The RA Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan presented the results of 2011 RA State Budget Execution in the spheres of industry, agriculture, social security, health care and education.
The RA Deputy Finance Minister, Chief Treasurer Atom Janjughazyan presented the main indices of 2011 RA State Budget Execution.
The RA Central Bank Chairman Artur Javadyan submitted to the deputies’ debate the conclusion of the RA Central Bank on the RA Draft Law “On Approving the Annual Report of 2011 RA State Budget Execution.”
The RA Deputy Chairman of RA Control Chamber Levon Yolyan submitted to the deputies’ debate the conclusion of the RA Control Chamber on the annual report “On 2011 RA State Budget Execution.”
On the same day the joint sitting of the NA standing committees on Defense, National Security and Internal Affairs and Financial-Credit and Budgetary Affairs, where the annual report “On 2011 RA State Budget Execution,” which related to the spheres of emergency situations, police and national security service.
Atom Janjughazyan presented the main indices of the executive of the above mentioned spheres, and those responsible for the certain spheres, the Deputy Minister of RA Emergency Situations Haykaram Mkhitaryan, the Deputy Head of Police adjunct to RA Government Artur Osikyan and the Deputy Director of National Security Service adjunct to RA Government Felix Tsolakyan more thoroughly presented the budgetary allocations according to certain branches and the indices of their execution.
The joint sitting of the standing committees, which related to the report of the executive on Ministry of Defense and state reserves, was held behind closed doors.