
'' Integration into CIS and EU. High time for united standards’’ Tigran Sargsyan


The article entitled ‘’ Integration into CIS and EU’’ authored by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia Tigran Sargsyan was published in Russian ‘’Vedomosti’’ newspaper.

‘’ CIS faces a difficult phase of development; there is a mistrust and indifference towards its prospects. Widespread rumors drew a parallel between the CIS and a suitcase without a handle; hence it is hard to carry it and one feels sorry to throw it away at the same time. Whereas the agreement on CIS free trade zone ratified in Russia came to prove that the integration processes were real’’ the head of the Cabinet of the Republic of Armenia noted in his article.

PM Sargsyan considers that the agreement was for the benefit of all the participating states. However, simultaneously great problems occur on the adequate enforcement of the law. From one hand bilateral agreements on the restrictions, which were previously approved by CIS 8 countries, have significantly reduced. The best conditions are being established for the realization of the goods and services in the united economic space. Export and import of certain goods is scheduled.

From the other hand the new forms of cooperation exacerbate the sense of justice among CIS countries. It is unacceptable for all the participants that this or that country will abuse the rules within the framework of united economic space activities.

The negotiations between Armenia and EU on DCFTA kicked off.’’ In coming 2-3 years we are going to face intensive work in the direction of integration of European standards , which are necessary to meet the technical and technological processes, profound changes in the internal control systems. The economy should be subjected to serious qualitative changes.

Armenia should conform the legislative field and security control of manufacturing systems to European standards, which stipulates extensive and expensive work to be carried on. The agreement between the EU and Armenia on DCFTA will significantly increase the volume of import and will reduce the foreign trade deficit. It is of high importance for Armenia, because our country has grounded potential to join the world market as a state producing ecologically clean product’’ Tigran Sargsyan stated.

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