Follow strictly the schedule and control the quality of the activities being carried out in the capital

To make Yerevan maximally well-arranged and to change the general climate in Yerevan within the framework of the program of the capital's external look improvement, in accordance with the instruction of Mayor Taron Margaryan the activities of cleaning, painting, repairing of the buildings, external lighting supply, as well as decoration of a number of arc passages are going on in the capital in full swing. Of 140 buildings provided by the Municipality for 2012 program the front parts 35 ones have already been repaired.
During the regular working conference the Mayor was reported that within the scope of the development program of the current year 168 streets and yard areas as well as 14 parks had been provided with night lighting. Taron Margaryan instructed to provide with external lighting the yards and parks which are being improved. Referring to yard areas improvement activities Taron Margaryan noted that by the Municipality programs as well as a result of cooperation with private sector more than 300 yard areas had been improved. "This is a big achievement and all of us are obliged to preserve these areas increasing their number gradually", said the Mayor.It was reported that placement of 437 benches and 295 dustbins had already been finished. Taron Margaryan instructed to increase their number in case of need, as well as to inventory the old benches and dustbins placed in Kentron district and to replace them with new ones. By the Mayor's instruction other administrative districts of the capital will be completed with new benches and dustbins as well.
Regarding asphalting activities provided for the streets and yard areas by 2012 program it was reported that the activities are going on in accordance with the determined schedule. Mayor Taron Margaryan instructed to set everyday control over the road construction and the asphalting process performance especially over the quality of performance. "In the places where the asphalt cover is of low quality and has defects the contractors are to be obliged to eliminate the defects by their own means", pointed out the Mayor.It was reported that the Municipality program of landscaping and irrigation network restoration provided for 2012 is also going on in full swing. Formation of new lawns was finished in David Bek street, Yerevan-Yeghvard highway, Davtashen bridge, as well as in the segments adjacent to the bridge in Atenk street. The Mayor instructed the heads of all the administrative districts to pay special attention to the care of green areas. It was instructed to finish the landscaping and flowering of the entries to Yerevan. A clear requirement to set tight control over the economy entities to ensure obligatory improvement and landscaping of the areas surrounding their objects. "Carry out everyday activities with the entities so that they ensure the improvement and landscaping of the areas surrounding them. All those who don’t meet their contractual obligations are to be subjected to responsibility in accordance with the established law up to and including termination of contracts", stressed Taron Margaryan.
Referring to installation of the new itinerary network and attaching importance to timely holding of the announced competitions for the itinerary servicing, the Mayor instructed to pay special attention to ensuring the competition requirements for itinerary servicing by participants increasing the quality of the population servicing due to this. "By the end of the year the changes should be visible for the residents", said Taron Margaryan.Regarding the problem of heating in educational establishments the Mayor instructed to inventory the number and submit the list of the schools needing heating in the capital and the design estimates documentation for the required works. "The problem must be finished this year completely", stressed the Mayor simultaneously instructing to implement consistently the program heating provided for libraries and medical establishments as well.Taron Margaryan once again stressed the issue of more efficient organization of income collections. The head of External Design and Advertising Department was instructed to ensure removal of elect6ion posters from advertisement boards. This year the Last Bell in the schools of the capital will ring on May 25. Taron Margaryan instructed all the responsible structures to pay tight attention over prevention of money collection in schools and over the security of the school-leavers during the provided actions.