
Serzh Sargsyan: Now we lay basis for new traditions of election campaign, fruits of which will be picked up by generations


On May 3 in frame of the election campaign, Head of the Republican Party of Armenia (RPA), President Serzh Sargsyan met with residents of Ajapnyak administrative unit.

As Armenpress reports, Serzh Sargsyan noted the campaign is coming close to an end. "During this period we heard a lot from all sides. There were moments of encouragement and disappointment, sound assessments and exaggerations. Some managed to get bored, as they knew from the very beginning for which political force they will vote," said Serzh Sargsyan. He underlined that all political parties of the country had a full opportunity to propose their programs and services to citizens.

"It is a long time we have not gone to elections without any tension. Now we lay the basis for new traditions of election campaign, and the fruits will be picked up by the new generations. We have not said arrogant things, which is easier than speaking of concrete deeds," said RPA leader. According to him, the party has spoken about concrete deeds, which have been performed or are in process. RPA is a leading and powerful force and fulfils its mission. Citizens of Armenia realize that no party can ensure the landmark defined by society alone.

Serzh Sargsyan called for Ajapnyak residents to participate in the elections, as much depends on it. It will decide how Armenia will develop and which political force will form a government. Together with the activeness a political approach is necessary: these elections must pass free and fair and its results must inspire belief to citizens and partners.

"We have a historical opportunity to take a big jump. It is important for these elections not to add hostility," said Serzh Sargsyan. He urged residents of Ajapnyak to back the Republicans and give their vote to MP candidates Ruben Hovsepyan and Ruben Sadoyan, who have enough experience to present Ajapnyak at the parliament with dignity.

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