
The annual inter-yard football championship has started in Malatia Sebastia district


Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan participated in the ceremony of opening the annual inter-yard football championship of Malatia Sebastia administrative district. This is the fourth year the championship has taken place and it year by year it becomes more and more popular with the young people of the district. The number of the teams participated in the tournament initiated by the administrative district staff was 12 today there are already 17 teams participated in the event.Greeting the participants Mayor Taron Margaryan first of all highly appreciated the initiative of the administrative district and stressed that this is not only an encouragement of healthy lifestyle but also a very important action directed at spare time management of the young.Taron Margaryan also noted that taking into account this positive experience the Municipality will support and encourage arrangement of such tournaments in all the administrative districts.
Like every year the championship is to last till October.

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