
Statement by the Congress of Civil Society organizations allied with the Republican Party of Armenia.


It is quite apparent that Civil Society is the main criterion for a true democracy. In any country, one can judge of stable civil society and its impact by its immediate involvement in decision-making, policy development and managing public life. From this point of view, the traditions of cooperation that exist among the civil society institutions are of utmost importance as they lift the mentioned facts to qualitatively different plane.
It is worth mentioning that in recent years cooperation between the Republican Party of Armenia and hundreds of local non-governmental organizations have become quite intense.
On the one hand this mutually beneficial collaboration enabled the most influential political party of the country not only to fully embrace the concerns of the civil society, but also to commission them to higher authorities. In their turn, civil society institutions could expand the possibilities of addressing the problems and needs of their stake holders. The upcoming parliamentary elections of the 5th convocation on May 6 are a good opportunity for NGOs to create a more solid and sound basis in the context of further cooperation.
Taking into account the trends of mutually advantageous co-operation between the RPA and NGOs, as well as the willingness to put them into servitude for the vital interests of most vulnerable groups of the society, as well as for democratization and modernization of the country, we participants of the conference call on:
1. all the political forces involved in forthcoming election, to unite their efforts in running free, fair and transparent elections in line with international democratic standards.
2. all our members, stakeholders and citizens to support the Republican Party of Armenia in upcoming parliamentary elections, as we are convinced that the experienced, responsible and professional RPA team led by RA President Serzh Sargsyan, will be able of guaranteeing our safe, stable and promising future for the benefit of every citizen and the entire Armenian nation.
3. the Republican Party of Armenia, in case of gaining majority of votes in the upcoming parliamentary elections and receiving the right to form a government, to include the following priorities in its Roadmap: increasing the role of civil society institutions; introducing in institutions and through advocacy means new cultural, educational, sport and health programs aimed at military-patriotic education of the younger generation; implementation of urgent target social programs that are crucial for the most vulnerable groups; solving the problems which are at stake for the youth from regions, such as spiritual and cultural issues and employment problems; effective and ongoing fight against corruption; creation of appropriate legislative and judicial system, aimed at full implementation of human and civil rights.


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