
Today, in the framework of his official visit to the Republic of Cyprus, President Serzh Sargsyan together with the President of Cyprus Nicos Anastasiades at the open museum of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Cyprus attended the ceremony of unveiling a cross-stone which symbolizes the Armenian-Cypriot friendship. On the occasion of his official visit and on behalf of the Armenian people, President Sargsyan presented to the Cypriot side a copy of the 16th century cross-stone from Jugha. President Anastasiades expressed gratitude for the gift and underscored that the cross-stone reflects the unbreakable ties between Armenia and Cyprus, between the Armenian and Cypriot peoples. “Our two nations, which became victims of the same crimes, have been fighting in the international arena for the preservation of their rights and values. Cyprus was the first European country which recognized the Armenian Genocide and condemned that crime. Our countries and peoples, my friend, Mr. President of the Republic of Armenia, uphold the norms of international law, including the right of people for self-determination, resolution of problems through peaceful means and define their future based on respect towards human rights. Sons and daughters of the Armenian nation, who one hundred years ago fleeing from the genocide settled in Cyprus, today constitute a very active and significant part of the Cypriot society, preserving at the same time their language, identity, traditions and with respect for their origins and their country but also with respect for the country which accepted them. We are proud that they make part of our society.
Cyprus and Armenia continue to develop bilateral cooperation, uniting forces of the two nations for the victory in their struggle for justice. The unveiling of this monument today proves once again and demonstrates to all the deep and historical ties which exist between our peoples,” said President Nicos Anastasiades.
The President of Armenia said it was symbolic that a cross-stone installed in the park near the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Cyprus, and represents the most unique invention of the Armenian nation’s millennia long historical heritage, has been chosen as a gift and noted that from now one it will represent Armenia and the Armenian nation to the people of Cyprus and foreigners visiting Cyprus, becoming an ostensive example of the Armenian-Cypriot brotherhood. It will also signal alarm that any encroachment against culture is a crime against humanity and will make progressive part of the humanity unite and fight against brutal force which threatens unique landmarks which represent history and culture. “This masterpiece, which has become a symbol of the spiritual values of the Armenian nation and its Christian spirit, has been declared by the UNESCO part of the humankind’s non-material heritage. Armenia’s state register of historical and cultural landmarks includes over 10,000 cross-stones and each and every one of them is unique in its composition and decorations. For us, Armenians the Cross and the Church have had an exceptional historic role. In the long-lasting absence of statehood, the Church often played the role of state, uniting our nation, while the cross-stone has cherished and preserved the Armenian identity which allowed us 25 years ago to reinstate our independent statehood. Thus, this choice of a symbolic gift to the friendly people of Cyprus was not accidental. Spiritual and material, stone and cross were united and endowed with spirit, recapping our history, culture, faith, spiritual essence, and mentality. If we were to bring together all cross-stones spread all over the world, we would see the entire period of Christianity in the history of our nation. Each cross-stone created throughout our history speaks volumes about glorious and gloomy pages of our history, ups and downs. Among them cross-stones which still stand on our native land as the centuries-old witnesses of the Armenian statehood; there are cross-stones which are spread all over the world, in different countries – they bear the memory of our nation. There are also cross-stones which fought like soldiers, such as the cross-stones of Artsakh which survived destruction. Sadly, there were also cross-stones which were destroyed barbarically, like 3000 cross-stones of New Jugha which were wiped out by Azerbaijan.
The cross-stone installed here, is a wonderful replica of the cross-stone created in the 16th century and destroyed in Jugha. It had been destroyed but it was reborn – destroyed was the stone, but not the Cross,” said President Serzh Sargsyan.