
Tonight, President Serzh Sargsyan has arrived on the official visit to the Republic of Cyprus. After the welcoming ceremony for the high guest, which took place at the Presidential residence, Presidents Nicos Anastasiades and Serzh Sargsyan held a private meeting. At the conclusion of the meeting there took place negotiations in the extended format. After the negotiations signed were agreements aimed at the development and deepening of the Armenian-Cypriot cooperation in a number of areas. In particular, signed were the Program of Cooperation between the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Armenia and Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Cyprus in the Area of Culture, the Action Plan between the Ministry of Education and Science of RA and the Ministry of Education and Culture of the RC on Cooperation in the Area of Education and Science for 2016-2020, Agreement between the Government of the RA and Government of the RC on Mutual Recognition of the Higher Educational Qualification to start and continue education in the higher education institutions of the two countries. The Presidents of Armenia and Cyprus summarized the results of their meeting in the joint statements at the press conference with the participation of the representatives of mass media. The President of Cyprus welcomed the President of Armenia and his delegation and expressed confidence that as a result of this visit, the Armenia-Cypriot relations will strengthen and deepen. “During today’s discourse we’ve had the opportunity to discuss issues of mutual interest and reiterated the high level of the bilateral relations, as well as the excellent cooperation of Cyprus and Armenia in the framework of international structures. We have pledged to further and deepen our cooperation in every possible area. This mutual pledge is testified to by three agreements which have been signed in the area of education and culture. So far, our countries have signed fifteen agreements which prove the existence of strong ties between Armenia and Cyprus. I must certainly mention that presence of the active Armenian community in Cyprus also testifies to our brotherly relations; the Armenian community harmoniously integrated into the Cypriot culture but at the same time proudly preserves its own culture, language, and religious identity. Our Armenian compatriots constitute a very important link which ties together our two countries, and they manage very successfully to keep Armenia in the hearts of the people of Cyprus. Today, considering our historical, cultural and religious ties, we reiterate our readiness to continue and invigorate our cooperation in bilateral as well as multilateral frameworks, constantly mindful of mutual respect towards international law. This is proved by the unanimous decision adopted by the Parliament of Cyprus on April 2, 2015 criminalizing the denial of the Armenian Genocide. We were the first EU country which in 1982 recognized the Armenian Genocide. On every occasion and through our organizations in the diaspora throughout the world we unite our voice with yours also against the refusal to recognize the Genocide. At the negotiations we have had the opportunity to inform each other on the Cyprus issue and the latest developments around the NK conflict. I briefed the President on the efforts to achieve a solution which will reunite Cyprus, will set it free from the occupation troops, will create conditions for peaceful coexistence always on the basis of everything that has been agreed at various times, on the basis of a bi-zonal, bi-communal federation. What we seek is that the solution is imbued with the principles and values of the EU, with full protection for the human rights of all the citizens of the country. What we seek is not a solution that will create winners and leave behind losers, but a solution that will create prospects for the future of all the inhabitants of this country. This meeting also provides opportunity to learn from my good friend and colleague Serzh about the developments around the Nagorno Karabakh peace process. I reiterated Cyprus’ support to the efforts of the Minsk Group, under the auspices of the OSCE, for a peaceful solution of the conflict through a dialogue and away from the use of violence. Cyprus acknowledges the honorable efforts made by Armenia for the peaceful settlement of this issue. With my friend, the President of Armenia we have also discussed Armenia’s relations with the EU and issues related to cooperation, and I have reiterated that Cyprus is a firm supporter of the substantial deepening of Armenia’s relations with the EU in all possible areas. Cyprus supports Armenian also in the framework of Eastern Partnership because your country, Mr. President, is a very important and valuable partner. At the same time, I totally respect foreign policy implemented by you, your decisions and your membership to the EEU. In conclusion, I would like to once again welcome you and assure that our relations from now one will become even deeper and stronger,” said President of Greece Nicos Anastasiades at the press conference which took place after the negotiations with the President of RA.
Remarks by President Serzh Sargsyan at the press conference which took place after the meeting with President Nicos Anastasiades
Distinguished Mr. President,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
It is always a great honor and pleasure for me to be hosted in this brotherly land which has a millennia long history and cultural values of global importance. I am very grateful, Distinguished Mr. Anastasiades, to you and the authorities of Cyprus for this warm welcome.
Today we have had substantial discussions with President Anastasiades regarding our bilateral, as well as regional and international agenda. I should mention with satisfaction the fact that approaches of our countries on them fully coincide.
We stressed the importance of the recent high-level reciprocal visits, which have given a new impetus to the bilateral political dialogue, interparliamentary cooperation, to the cultural and educational ties. We renewed our pledge to keep the dynamics of our political dialogue and to work towards the diversification of the agenda of our cooperation. Towards that end, in the framework of this visit, we have signed a number of documents. In the framework of development of the Armenian-Cypriot cooperation we stressed especially the importance of the efficient cooperation established in the military area and its continuous expansion. Taking this opportunity, I once again expressed gratitude to the friendly people of Cyprus for reiterating last year – at the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide – its solidarity and friendship with the Armenian nation. It was testified to by the visit of the highest leadership of Cyprus – President Anastasiades and President of the House of Representatives Omiarou to Yerevan on April 24, by the adoption by the Parliament of Cyprus of the resolution on the criminalization of that horrendous crime, and by the multiple events which took place in your country. We, of course, agreed that our bilateral trade and economic relations need a special boost. We discussed developments which open new opportunities for the expansion of bilateral economic relations, for the implementation of new initiatives. I mean the economic stabilization of Cyprus, Armenia’s membership to the EEU and deepening economic ties with the EU, new opportunities related to Iran and other favorable developments.
I certainly highly value the constructive and balanced position of Cyprus on the peaceful resolution of the NK issue which fully corresponds to the common position of the EU and fully supports the continuous efforts of the Co-Chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group. In turn, Armenia has been constantly speaking about the necessity of a fair resolution to the Cyprus problem, based on the reached agreements and according to the corresponding resolutions of the UN. I hope that there will no spoilers, and consistent efforts of President Anastasiades will soon yield results.
I stressed the importance of the continuous contribution by Cyprus to the development of the Armenia-EU relations, particularly in the context of the Eastern Partnership program. I am also thankful for the concern and support on this issue from the Cypriot delegates at the European Parliament.
It is well known that interstate relations of Armenia and Cyprus are anchored in the centuries-long warm relations, spiritual and cultural community of the representatives of our two ancient civilizations. I certainly stressed the importance of the necessity to further develop humanitarian ties through the organization of the days and events dedicated to the cultures of our two peoples. It is very symbolic for me that tomorrow I will take part at the ceremony of installing in the park near the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Cyprus the copy of a cross-stone destroyed in Jugha. From the viewpoint of enriching each other’s cultures and development of our political relations, I certainly mentioned the input of the flourishing and creative Armenian community of Cyprus, which wouldn’t be the way it is now without the benevolent attitude of the people and leadership of Cyprus.
I am proud that the Armenian-Cypriot friendship is a genuine one, a strong one. We are united not only by the common history and culture but also by our vision to build future based on universal human values. I have no doubt that Armenia and Cyprus will continue to work together in the name of that future. Moreover so because my friend Nicos and I know each other for a long time and do know what’s to be done, and whatever we do, we do it to strengthen the friendship of our two nations.
Thank you.