


 Today, President Serzh Sargsyan visited the bottling factory of Jermuk International Pepsi Cola Bottler in Yerevan where he attended the opening ceremony of a new production line for Sandora natural juices, familiarized with the investments made in the factory and the company’s development programs. The President of Armenia toured the pavilions opened on the occasion of the opening ceremony and the workshops in the factory. According to executives, Sandora natural juices will be sold both in Armenia and abroad. The new production line will result in the creation of new jobs. Afterwards, the President of Armenia attended the signing ceremony of the Memorandum on Supplying Bottling Production Lines for Jermuk Group’s new mineral water plant between the company and the representatives of the German company KHS.

Today, President Serzh Sargsyan accompanied by the Mayor of Yerevan Taron Margaryan also visited the forepart of a new motorway on capital’s Leningradyan Street where the mayor presented the large-scale works carried out to construct the nonstop Leningradyan-Tsovakal Isakov motorway and the motorway connecting Tsovakal Isakov Avenue with Arshakunyats Avenue. It was noted that the planning of the nonstop Leningradyan-Tsovakal Isakov motorway construction program and its accomplishment in the first phase of the program were ordered by the Municipality of Yerevan. The construction was started in July 2012 and was finished on May 31 2014. Two Different-level road junctions have been built at the crossing points with Tsovakal Isakov Avenue and Leningradyan Avenue. The road junction ensures nonstop traffic while connecting the avenue with the new motorway. Moreover, a tunnel has been built on Leningradyan Avenue with its corresponding inclined passages. In parallel with the road, a 1.6 km long and 6.8 m wide local road has been laid with the aim of building the area adjacent to Tsitsernakaberd Highway in the future. The preliminary value of the motorway is accounted 7896,0 million drams.

The president was also presented a 3.1 km long road which according to the development programs of the Municipality of Yerevan is to be laid from Arshakunyats to Tsovakal Isakov Avenue across the Hrazdan river and along the future Yerevan-Berd district and can connect to the road junction on Tsovakal Isakov thereby ensuring nonstop traffic from Arshakunyats Avenue to Leningradyan Avenue which will lead to substantial unloading of the city center.

Serzh Sargsyan also visited Yerevan’s Malatia-Sebastia administrative district where he attended the opening ceremony of buildings aimed at resettling the residents of the areas adjacent to Zvartnots Airport. The President of Armenia toured the multi-apartment complex, familiarized with the implemented works, the living conditions and held a meeting with the representatives of the resettled residents.

According to the executives, the construction works of the buildings for 800 people and 164 families living in the area belonging to Armenia International Airports since 1989 have been launched in line with the resident resettlement program and are implemented in separate phases. The construction is financed by Armenia International Airports with the help of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the Asian Development Bank and the German Investment and Development Corporation. For that purpose, the RA government allocated a 7000 sq. m area in Yerevan’s South-Eastern District where the company Armenia International Airports carries out the resettlement. The construction was started in October 2011. The resettlement will start on July 1 2014.

The president was also introduced the second phase works of the program started in July 2012 which are to be finished by this October. The second phase of the resettlement will start on December 1 2014. It was underscored that all the 6 newly-built buildings have the same quality standards.

During the tour, Haypost CJSC’s 49 all new and eco-efficient logistics systems improvement machines were also exhibited which operate on natural gas thereby reducing the amount of carbon dioxide emissions. In addition, the President of Armenia familiarized with the modernization and development works of the Armenian national postal operator Haypost.

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