


 President Serzh Sargsyan received today schoolchildren and students – recipients of the RA Presidential Award in the area of information technologies (IT) for 2013. At the award ceremony, which took place at the Presidential Palace, Serzh Sargsyan handed them awards received in different nominations. In each nomination, the young people along with the certificate received also a souvenir and monetary award.

At the President’s invitation, present at the ceremony were also the Presidents of the national academies who have arrived to Armenia from a dozen of countries to participate in the celebrations dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the RA National Academy of Sciences. They too congratulated the awardees and wished them every success.

This year, the RA Presidential award has been handed to 21 students and 18 schoolchildren from 5 higher education institutions and 8 high schools. Also this year the commission has expanded the number of the participating educational institutions by including Ayb high school. By the decision of the commission, this year there was no winner in the Grand Prix nomination.

At the award ceremony, President Serzh Sargsyan congratulated the students and schoolchildren who have excelled in their studies and were awarded the RA Presidential Award for 2013 and wished them new success.


President Serzh Sargsyan’s remarks at the official ceremony of conferring RA Presidential Award in the Area of Information Technologies for 2013


Dear Students and Schoolchildren,
Dear Teachers,
Dear Representatives of the Synopsys Armenia Company,
Distinguished Ambassador of the United States,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

I welcome you all to the Presidential Palace. First of all, I congratulate and address words of gratitude to the young people who have received awards. By winning these awards, you have proved that you are ready to step on the road towards the adult life.

At the moment, you are performing your first steps outside your families and a narrow circle of friends. And these first steps prove that you are growing up as responsible and patriotic individuals.

As President of the Republic of Armenia, together with your parents I share the bliss of this victory. For me, just like for them, there can be no greater triumph than your success.

At the same time, you serve as example for your peers and friends. The example should be contagious so that those who you watch you on TV also believe in their abilities, study hard and get education. Let them understand and not only based on your example but through their own hard work that in one, two or three years they could appear in the news on TV, receiving awards and fellowships at the RA Presidential Palace.

It is possible, no doubt about that. Please tell everyone about it.

This is the first accomplishment for each one of you, and you made it possible all by yourselves. I am grateful to you for your drive, your tenacity, your enthusiasm, and vigor.

I am confident that receiving this first award you will not stop here. You will get many more, greater awards. As the saying goes, a good beginning is half the battle.

You have made that good beginning, while I and all representatives of the older generation will do everything that the second part of the saying also concludes successfully. Be assured that just like now, the Armenian state bodies and many private institutions will stand by your side, making their capacities available for you.

In the contemporary world, human knowledge and talent are the most expensive commodities. Today, you represent talents of our nation, our nation’s wealth, the best part of our society. I have no doubt that in your person, the future, the bright future of Armenia is right here.

Dear Friends,

We have asked the Presidents of the Academies of Science from different countries of the world, who are in Armenia to share with us our joy related to the 70th anniversary of the RA National Academy of Sciences. I believe that for future scientists and those of you who will take up the road of science, their presence here is a wonderful and symbolic gift indeed.

I once again congratulate our award winners. I wish you success, cloudless road full of new achievements which will bring new victories to each of you and our entire nation.

I take this opportunity to thank all those people who have participated in the realization of this program.

Thank you.


The RA Presidential Award in the IT area is an annual award granted to the pupils and students who excel in their studies and actively participate in various Olympiads and competitions in the area of IT and natural sciences, author scientific articles, possess comprehensive knowledge and talent as well as participate in social programs.

The winners were nominated and received prizes - “Grand Prix”, “Best Postgraduate”, “Best Undergraduate”, “Best Bachelor”, “Best Participant from Diaspora”, “Best Student”, “Best Pupil”. The process of nomination is being conducted by the Commission on the Bestowment of the Awards in the Area of Education which was established by the decree of the President of Armenia. Requirements set for the candidates, their selection and nomination are conducted based on the agreement between the Synopsis Armenia Company and Hayastan All-Armenian Fund. Monetary awards for each category are provided by the Synopsis Armenia.

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