Meetings with voters of Syunik province

In the framework of his pre-election campaign presidential candidate Serzh Sargsyan departed for Syunik Province and had meetings with the voters from the communities of cities and villages. At the meetings with the voters Serzh Sargsyan assured that he had kept the most important promise made at the previous meeting- he had worked hard trying to solve the important problems facing the country. Asking for the support of the voters in the coming presidential elections he also ensured that with joint efforts we would have new and more achievements year after year.
The presidential candidate also attended the opening ceremony of the Armenian-French cardiological centre in Goris, had a meeting with the leaders, as well as engineering staff of “Deno Gold Mining Company” in Kapan.
At the meeting in Goris Serzh Sargsyan spoke on secure Armenia, which has become his pre-election slogan - “Toward secure Armenia”. He considered that the core value of his pre-election program is the versatility and underlined that the problems facing our country and society were solved and would be solved completely and comprehensively being viewed as parts of a whole where parts complemented each other.
In the framework of the visit Serzh Sargsyan touched upon the activities carried out in the sphere of education, health service, security, territorial proportionate development etc.
According to Serzh Sargsyan security is the most important problem for border regions, including for Syunik. “Our efforts aimed at ensuring the security of the Republic of Armenia will first of all be directed towards exposing and neutralizing potential military and political threats, towards continuously raising the efficiency of our national army and its armaments,” said Serzh Sargsyan.