“With honour” and “Armenia” factions of the National Assembly appealed to the Council of Europe

“The violation of human rights and the decline of democracy are obvious in the Republic of Armenia. In front of the international community, the current government of Armenia pretends to progress in democracy, while grossly violating human rights and fundamental freedoms.
Contrary to the government’s attempts, international human rights organizations report the decline of democracy in Armenia due to the consolidation of power by the government, the dismissal of opposition community heads, a trend that has been ongoing for several years, and the lack of transparency of the ruling party’s finances. Encroachments on free speech and freedom of assembly by the authorities have gained momentum. Although Armenian law considers detention as a last resort and prefers alternative means of detention, detention remains the most common practice and is used against opposition figures.
Harassing opposition politicians and opponents with the initiation of fabricated criminal cases, seeking political reprisals against opponents by any possible means have become the working style and visit card of this government.
Opposition deputies, opposition candidates for deputies, representatives of the opposition party, a number of community leaders and dozens of public figures were in prison for a long time on trumped-up charges.
Hundreds of people were illegally arrested and kept in prison for a long time only on the testimony of the police for their opposition activities.
Public figures, politicians and their relatives, parents of fallen servicemen are charged or prosecuted in dozens of criminal cases for the simple reason that they criticize the current government of Armenia.
Applying the criteria set by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, it is clear that, as in many of the above-mentioned cases, many of the currently incarcerated persons are political prisoners.
There can be no question of human rights or democracy in a country where detention is used as a means of fighting dissent, as well as the repressive attitude shown by pre-examination and judicial investigation, which in some cases led to the death of “accused” public figures.
Such attitude towards public and political figures pursues one goal: to create an environment and atmosphere of obstruction of freedom of speech.
Based on the above, we invite the attention of international human rights organizations to the flagrant cases of violation of democracy and human rights in Armenia. We call on the Council of Europe to strongly condemn the continuous decline of democracy in Armenia and gross violations of human rights and fundamental freedoms.”