
EPP President Wilfried Martens congratulates RPA chairman Serzh Sargsyan10.05.2012

EPP President Wilfried Martens congratulates RPA chairman Serzh Sargsyan

Your Excellency, I was deeply saddened by the news of the tragic accident that happened at RPA meeting on May 4, leaving people injured. Accept my sympathy and willingness to assist in overcoming the consequences of that accident. We pray for the victims and express our support to their families and relatives. Despite that bitter incident, your political party scored an excellent victory in the elections. Moreover, the parliamentary elections of 6 May 2012 held in the Republic of... more →

Congratulatory Address by President Serzh Sargsyan on the occasion of the Victory and Peace Day09.05.2012

Congratulatory Address by President Serzh Sargsyan on the occasion of the Victory and Peace Day

 Dear Compatriots, I cordially congratulate you on the occasion of Victory and Peace Day. Victory in the World War II opened new opportunities for development for our nation. It was a historic opportunity which allowed our Republic and our people in the following years and decades to register impressive achievements in almost every area. Our entire nation brought its contribution to the victory through enormous sacrifice. On May 9, 1992 the heroic deed of their grandfathers... more →

OSCE Chairman-in-Office Special Representative considers it will be possible to achieve certain results on Karabakh conflict settlement current year 09.05.2012

OSCE Chairman-in-Office Special Representative considers it will be possible to achieve certain results on Karabakh conflict settlement current year

It will be possible to achieve concrete results concerning Nagorno Karabakh conflict in 2012. Patrick Murphy, Special Representative of the OSCE Chairman-in-Office for the South Caucasus had an interview with’’ The Business Year magazine’’, Armenpress reports. In the words of the top diplomat the progress may be achieved only in case of political will of the conflicting parties and efforts of the international community. ’‘As a special representative... more →

President Serzh Sargsyan participated at the celebrations in Artsakh08.05.2012

President Serzh Sargsyan participated at the celebrations in Artsakh

Today, at the capital city of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic Stepanakert, the RA President Serzh Sargsyan accompanied by His Holiness Garegin II, the leadership of Artsakh, governmental delegation from Armenia, guests from abroad and inhabitants of Artsakh walked from the Revival Square to the Stepanakert Memorial. Serzh Sargsyan placed a wreath and flowers at the Memorial dedicated to those fallen in the Great Patriotic War and the martyrs who fell in the war for the liberation of Artsakh.... more →

Republican Party of Armenia leads Exit-poll07.05.2012

Republican Party of Armenia leads Exit-poll

 Republican Party of Armenia takes a solid lead at the Gallup International Associations exit poll, conducted on the Parliamentary Elections Day in Armenia. The results of the exit-poll were announced show the following figures, as of 20:00. Republican Party of Armenia - 43.3%, Properous Armenia Party – 29.3%, Armenian National Congress – 6.4, Heritage party – 6,5%, Rule of Law Party – 6.2%, Armenian Revolutionary Federation-5.2, Communist... more →

President Serzh Sargsyan sent a congratulatory message to Vladimir Putin07.05.2012

President Serzh Sargsyan sent a congratulatory message to Vladimir Putin

 President Serzh Sargsyan sent today a congratulatory message to Vladimir Putin on the occasion of assuming the office of the President of the Russian Federation. The message states: “Mr. President, Accept my heartfelt congratulations on the occasion of assuming the office of the President of the Russian Federation. Further development of the strategic partnership with Russia and strengthening of our allied relations is an essential aspect of Armenia’s foreign... more →