
The address of Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan on the event of Women's Day08.03.2013

The address of Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan on the event of Women's Day

Dear women I warmly congratulate you on the most beautiful festival of the year. With your endless patience and kindness, never-ending optimism, your devotion to home and family you have deserved the highest appreciation. Your contribution to our achievements is invaluable. Due to your devoted work in various spheres of economy our capital is flourishing day by day. The coincidence of your festival with the nature awakening is symbolic, the festival of beauty couldn’t be... more →

The first surprise of March 8 at the airport08.03.2013

The first surprise of March 8 at the airport

On the event of the International Women's Day the first women arrived in Yerevan on March 8 got greeting cards and flowers on behalf of Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan. Today the women-passengers of all the 15 flights at "Zvartnots" airport, as well as the women meeting their guests will get flowers and greeting cards on behalf of the Mayor.   more →

Yerevan Mayor participated in the opening of "A spring tune" exhibition07.03.2013

Yerevan Mayor participated in the opening of "A spring tune" exhibition

Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan participated in the opening of the exhibition titled "A spring tune" held in the Union of Artists of Armenia. For the sixth consecutive time at the eve of March 8 the art works of women-painters are displayed at the exhibition. This time 120 women-painters with 140 works of art participated in the exhibition. The Mayor walked about the exhibition hall, got acquainted with the works, had a talk with the authors and congratulated them. Afterwards,... more →

RA NA President Receives the President of the FRG Bundestag06.03.2013

RA NA President Receives the President of the FRG Bundestag

On March 6 the RA NA President Hovik Abrahamyan received the delegation led by the President of the Bundestag Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) Norbert Lammert, who arrived in Armenia on three-day official visit. Welcoming the President of the Bundestag and thanking for accepting the invitation and visiting Armenia, Hovik Abrahamyan expressed conviction that the visit would greatly promote not only the rapprochement of inter-parliamentary relations, but also the friendship of the two... more →

Delegation Led by the President of the FRG Bundestag in the NA06.03.2013

Delegation Led by the President of the FRG Bundestag in the NA

On March 6 the delegation led by the President of the Bundestag Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) Norbert Lammert had a meeting with the members of the RA NA Armenia-Germany Friendship Group, the Standing committees on Foreign Relations and European Integration. Welcoming the visit of the Bundestag delegation to Armenia, the Head of the NA Armenia-Germany Friendship Group Artak Davtyan thanked the Federal Republic of Germany and the German people for the comprehensive support and... more →

Yerevan is the third among the former Soviet capitals with its volumes of landscaping and flower design06.03.2013

Yerevan is the third among the former Soviet capitals with its volumes of landscaping and flower design

During the meeting with the journalists the head of the Department of Nature Protection of Yerevan Municipality Avet Martirosyan introduced the achievements in the sphere of landscaping in 2012 and the plans for 2013. According to the results of the surveys "Yerevan residents about Yerevan" published by the Armenian Marketing Association and the Armenian representation of the Gallup International Association, increasing of green areas occupies the first place among positive... more →