
116th birthday of Yeghishe Charents13.03.2013

116th birthday of Yeghishe Charents

On March 13, on birthday of Yeghishe Charents by the initiative of the Department of General Education of the Municipality of Yerevan and the house-museum of Yeghishe Charents pupils of basic schools of Yerevan and eminent art workers visited the memorial complex of the great poet. A wreath was put at the monument on behalf of Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan. After putting flowers at the memorial Charents lovers recited his poems, then the pupils handed out sheets of paper with... more →

Meeting at the RA NA Standing Committee on Foreign Relations11.03.2013

Meeting at the RA NA Standing Committee on Foreign Relations

On March 11 the Deputy Chairman of the RA National Assembly Standing Committee on Foreign Relations Alexander Arzumanyan met with the Head of the Northern and Eastern Europe Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic Eliška Žigová . The Charges d’Affaires of the Czech Republic to RA Petr Mikyska and the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Czech Republic Ivan Jestřáb were also attending the meeting. Welcoming the guests in... more →


RA NA President Hovik Abrahamyan Sends a Telegram of Condolence on Suren Avdalbekyan’s Death

I am deeply upset over the death of the renowned doctor-surgeon, academician Suren Avdalbekyan. Armenian medicine lost a doctor and a pedagogue, a scientist and a person, who until the last days of his life continued to work with the same fervour and devotion, promoting the development of Armenian medicine and health system, conveying his knowledge and rich experience to several generations of doctors. Suren Avdalbekyan was not only a brilliant scientist, but also a wonderful man, who... more →

Prime Minister Hosts Permanent Under-Secretary in the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office Simon Fraser11.03.2013

Prime Minister Hosts Permanent Under-Secretary in the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office Simon Fraser

Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan received Permanent Under-Secretary in the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office Simon Fraser, who is paying an official visit to Armenia. Welcoming the guest at the Government, the Prime Minister expressed the hope that Simon Fraser’s visit would boost the bilateral relations, as well as help the further deepening and expansion of the relations between EU and Armenia. The interlocutors stressed the mutual interest in the development of Armenian-British... more →

Governmental Committee Created on the Occasion Of Hagop Hagopian’s Death Holds a Sitting11.03.2013

Governmental Committee Created on the Occasion Of Hagop Hagopian’s Death Holds a Sitting

The governmental committee, created on the occasion of the death of RA People’s Artist, USSR State Prize twice winner, RA St. Mesrop Mashtots Medal holder, an honorary citizen of Yerevan Hagop Hagopian, held a sitting today, chaired by Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan. RA Minister of Culture Hasmik Poghosyan presented the preparatory works for the funeral. Hagob Hagobian’s memorial service will take place on March 13th at 18:30-20:30, at Yerevan St. Hovhannes (John the Baptist)... more →

In the period from January to March more than 1200 residents participated in citizens’ reception11.03.2013

In the period from January to March more than 1200 residents participated in citizens’ reception

During the regular working conference Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan was reported that in the period from January to March in accordance with the fixed schedule in the Municipality and administrative districts 318 and 900 residents participated in citizens’ reception correspondingly. The major part of the issues were given positive solutions. Regarding parking vehicles in undetermined places including segments of sidewalks or arch passages as well as organization of vehicle sales in... more →