
The address of Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan on Librarians’ Day  07.10.2013

The address of Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan on Librarians’ Day

 Dear workers of the library system Let me heartily congratulate all of you on your professional holiday, the Librarians' Day. Our people have treated books and literature with special care for ages. This love sometimes even became a cult and being handed down to generations reached the present days. Today, due to your devoted work this love is preserved and enriched with new beautiful traditions contributing this way to the development of the system. Owing to you the love... more →

The first stage of dismantling big advertisement boards in the small center of the capital has been over  07.10.2013

The first stage of dismantling big advertisement boards in the small center of the capital has been over

 On the instruction of Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan, the first stage of dismantling big and medium advertisement boards in the small center of Yerevan going on within the frames of the program of external advertising modernization, has been over. This was reported to the Mayor by the head of the Department of External Design and Advertisement during the current working conference. It was also reported that 59 advertisement boards had been dismantled within the frames of the work. The... more →

Yerevan Mayor’s diplomas for the development of librarianship  07.10.2013

Yerevan Mayor’s diplomas for the development of librarianship

 On the occasion of the Day of Librarians the head of the Department of Culture and Tourism of the Municipality of Yerevan Kamo Movsesyan awarded about ten workers of the sphere of librarianship with Mayor's diplomas for their contribution to the sphere and many years’ activity. "You propagandize books so you play a big role in children's and youth's upbringing, in the issue of formation their outlook. Yerevan Mayor attaches great importance to your system... more →

Congratulations, dear teacher06.10.2013

Congratulations, dear teacher

 On the occasion of the Teacher’s Day Women’s Council of the Republican Party of Armenia annually organizes events titled “Congratulations, dear teacher”. This year wasn’t an exception from the rule. Today, at the head of the Vice President of the National Assembly Hermineh Naghdalyan, the RPA Women’s Council gave a surprise to the distinguished pedagogues of Yerevan and all the regions. On October 6, Women’s Councils of the RPA territorial... more →

The address of Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan on the Teachers’ Day  04.10.2013

The address of Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan on the Teachers’ Day

 Dear teachers Let me congratulate you heartily and wish you all the best on your professional day, the Teachers' Day During its centuries-old history our people always treated teachers with special love and appreciation emphasizing their most honorary and respected role in public life. Moreover, for each Armenian the words "teacher" and "parent" often have a similar meaning. Your contribution to education and upbringing of generations is really... more →

Statement by the RA NA President Hovik Abrahamyan03.10.2013

Statement by the RA NA President Hovik Abrahamyan

“The guarantee of the right of freedom of political opinion is one of the cornerstones of democracy. It is a necessary condition for conducting a decent political debate in the democratic society. Nevertheless, the expression of political opinion by its character is not an absolute right. The Article 77 of the RA Constitution designs that the deputy’s right of expressing his/her opinion is restricted by the impermissibility of the insult or slander. That is, that right is... more →