
A visit to the Center for Armenian Heritage in Valence  17.10.2013

A visit to the Center for Armenian Heritage in Valence

 Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan who is in France with an official visit with the aim of participation in the Armenian-French Decentralized Cooperation and the vise Prime Minister of the RA, the Minister of Territorial Administration Armen Gevorgyan visited the Center of Armenian Heritage of Valence in the company with the Mayor of Valence Alain Maurice. As the employees of the center said, the center is considered to be a special cultural place for the local Armenian community. The... more →

The world-famous chansonnier did honour to the participants of the conference of the Armenian-French Decentralized Cooperation17.10.2013

The world-famous chansonnier did honour to the participants of the conference of the Armenian-French Decentralized Cooperation

 The world-famous French Armenian Charles Aznavour did honour to the participants of the Armenian-French Decentralized Cooperation conference started in Valence with his presence. The famous son of Armenian people took part in the reception organized in the administrative center of Drome department. The organizers thanked the eminent French Armenian on behalf of all the participants of the conference for accepting the invitation and being present at the reception. They also... more →

The second conference of the Armenian-French Decentralized Cooperation has started in Valence  17.10.2013

The second conference of the Armenian-French Decentralized Cooperation has started in Valence

 The second conference of the Armenian-French Decentralized Cooperation has started with the participation of more than 30 cities and regions of Armenia and France. In his greeting speech addressed to the participants Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan first of all thanked the organizers of the conference in the person of the Mayor of Valence Alain Maurice and the president of the United Cities of France Michelle Delebar, noting that it is really a very responsible initiative and the Mayor... more →

Taron Margaryan had meeting with the President of the Regional Council of Rhone-Alpes  16.10.2013

Taron Margaryan had meeting with the President of the Regional Council of Rhone-Alpes

 Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan who visited France with the aim of participation in the conference of the Armenian-French Decentralized Cooperation, had a meeting with the Presidents of the Regional Council of Rhone-Alpes Jean-Jack Queyranne. Greeting the guests Jean-Jack Queyranne first of all referred to the Armenia-French relations and stressed that they are really on high level and this is not surprising taking into account the centuries-old friendship between the two peoples. In... more →

Mayor Taron Margaryan had a meeting with the Mayor of Lyon16.10.2013

Mayor Taron Margaryan had a meeting with the Mayor of Lyon

 Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan who visited France with the aim of participation in the conference of the Armenian-French Decentralized Cooperation had a meeting with the Mayor of Lyon Gerard Colomb. Greeting the guests Gerard Colomb highly appreciating the present level of Armenian-French relations said that the current conference proves once again the importance of these relations. He also noted that the partnership between the communities of the two cities gradually becoming wider... more →

Taron Margaryan had a meeting with the Mayor of Valance  16.10.2013

Taron Margaryan had a meeting with the Mayor of Valance

Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan who had an official visit to the French Republic with the aim of participation in the second conference of the Armenian-French Decentralized Cooperation, had a meeting with the Mayor of Valence Alain Maurice. Greeting the guests Alain Maurice expressed his delight with the fact that the conference was held in valence. Referring to decentralized cooperation between Armenia and France Alain Maurice noted that it spoke for the expansion of cooperation founded... more →