
The address of Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan on the event of the International Theater Day.27.03.2014

The address of Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan on the event of the International Theater Day.

 Dear workers of theater art I'd like to congratulate you heartily on the event of the International Theater Day. The Armenian theater has been a foundation stone of Armenian culture for centuries, and it has contributed greatly to the issue of development of the international scene art. Not only Armenian people but many other nations as well are proud of our talented actors and directors. Today, the workers of Armenian theater carry on our best traditions too creating new... more →

Tax authority to conduct mandatory funded component’s individual registration database Civil defense evaluation procedure approved27.03.2014

Tax authority to conduct mandatory funded component’s individual registration database Civil defense evaluation procedure approved

 In compliance with articles 9, 14 and 17 of the law “On Funded Pensions,” the Government amended a previous decree to make a re-distribution in the 2014 State budget. In accordance with the above Articles, the tax authority runs the mandatory funded component’s individual registration database, receives monthly returns of personnel contributions from employers, after checking their accuracy issues corresponding directives to the Treasury and so on. Today’s... more →

Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan instructs to set up a working group to examine the legality of speed-meter recorded fines27.03.2014

Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan instructs to set up a working group to examine the legality of speed-meter recorded fines

 Dear colleagues, I would like to start today’s session with an instruction. The problem at hand is kept in public spotlight and arouses serious concerns and dissatisfaction in society. I mean the penalties coming from the breach of traffic rules, namely to what extent these penalties are fair, proportionate to those cases specified in our legislation, whether there are legislative gaps in this area, what the international practice suggests and what are the mechanisms to be used... more →

Vehicle property tax losses to be reduced “Prisoner Assistance Fund” gets vehicles27.03.2014

Vehicle property tax losses to be reduced “Prisoner Assistance Fund” gets vehicles

 The Government amended two previous decisions to set a sample form and deadlines for community heads to submit online notifications to the road police service and banks on the absence of vehicle-associated property tax liabilities. The amendments are expected to minimize vehicle property tax losses and help streamline the revenue projecting and money collecting process. The Government next decided to hand over to the Prisoner Assistance Fund for free use over an indefinite period... more →

Tigran Sargsyan Welcomes Credit Agricole Bank Deputy Director General27.03.2014

Tigran Sargsyan Welcomes Credit Agricole Bank Deputy Director General

 Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan received a delegation led by French Credit Agricole Bank Deputy Director General Xavier Musca. To begin with, the parties expressed condolences on the untimely passing of ACBA Credit Agricole Bank Director Stepan Gishyan, highlighting his contribution to development of the banking system in Armenia. The interlocutors have referred to the programs aimed at expanding the activities of ACBA Credit Agricole Bank. Highly appreciative of Armenia’s... more →

Government approves country’s long-term development plan Every citizen should prefer to live in Homeland27.03.2014

Government approves country’s long-term development plan Every citizen should prefer to live in Homeland

 At the Cabinet sitting of March 27, 2014, the Government approved Armenia’s long-term development plan for 2014-2025. The Executive revised the Sustainable Development Program of 2008 in the light of the global financial crisis trends and new realities. The revised post-crisis strategic plan aims to provide a systematic framework for the formation of government policy directions. The new program will help the government mobilize the country’s potential around a strategic... more →