
PM Receives Head of IMF Armenia Mission10.05.2014

PM Receives Head of IMF Armenia Mission

Prime Minister Hovik Abrahamyan received Head of IMF Armenia Mission Mark Horton. Welcoming Mark Horton to the Office of Government, the Prime Minister said to be interested in the furtherance of close cooperation with the IMF. In this context, the parties discussed issues related to bilateral cooperation, the main directions of Armenia’s economic policy and the development trends in the economy. Congratulating Hovik Abrahamyan on taking the office of Head of Government, Mark... more →

The congratulation address of Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan on the day of Victory and Peace09.05.2014

The congratulation address of Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan on the day of Victory and Peace

 Dear veterans of the Great Patriotic War, dear compatriots I cordially congratulate all of us on the Great Victory Day. May 9 is a double holiday for our people. During the Great Patriotic War our grandfathers at the cost of their life proved that it's impossible to win the soldier who defends his homeland, his own home and hearth. Throughout history, beginning from Hayk and Bel battle up to Artsakh war our people have proved many times that no matter how peaceful and... more →

A tribute of respect to the memory of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War09.05.2014

A tribute of respect to the memory of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War

 On the event of the 69th anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War, in accordance with the tradition the RA Prime Minister Hovik Abrahamyan, Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan, the RA Minister of Defence Seyran Ohanyan and other members of the Government accompanied by other top officers and other authorities visited "Victoty" park. Those present out flowers at the Eternal Fire,rendered the tribute of respect to the fallen in the World war II with a minute of silence.... more →

The Mayor put flowers at the memorial to the victims of Artsakh war and the Great Patriotic War09.05.2014

The Mayor put flowers at the memorial to the victims of Artsakh war and the Great Patriotic War

Within the frames of the events dedicated to the 69th anniversary of the Great Patriotic War and the 22nd anniversary of Shushi deliberation Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan visited the administrative district of Avan and was present at the festive events. The Mayor of Yerevan together with the RA NA delegate Robert Sargsyan and the head of the administrative district of Avan Manvel Javadyan and numerous residents of Yerevan put flowers at the memorial to the victims Artsakh war which is... more →

PM Attends Peace and Victory Day Celebration09.05.2014

PM Attends Peace and Victory Day Celebration

Today, on May 9, our nation marks the 69th anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War and the 22nd anniversary of Shushi liberation. To attend the Peace and Victory Day celebrations in Yerevan, accompanied by members of legislative and executive bodies and clergy representatives, Prime Minister Hovik Abrahamyan visited today the Victory Park in Yerevan. The Prime Minister laid a wreath at the monument to the Unknown Soldier and paid tribute to those heroes who fell in the Great... more →

Chaired by Prime Minister Hovik Abrahamyan, the funeral commission established on the demise of USSR and ASSR People’s Artist Konstantin Orbelyan met today in the Office of Government.09.05.2014

Chaired by Prime Minister Hovik Abrahamyan, the funeral commission established on the demise of USSR and ASSR People’s Artist Konstantin Orbelyan met today in the Office of Government.

Chaired by Prime Minister Hovik Abrahamyan, the funeral commission established on the demise of USSR and ASSR People’s Artist Konstantin Orbelyan met today in the Office of Government. The meeting decided that last farewell to the great artist will be bid on May 11, from 12:00 to 14:00 pm at Aram Khachaturian Concert Hall. The burial ceremony will be held the same day in Komitas Pantheon. Renowned Armenian composer, conductor, pianist, USSR and ASSR People’s Artist... more →