Statement by the executive body of the Armenian Republican Party

On the background of rampant Covid-19, the public health crisis, social and economic crises deepening with every day, the extension of the state of emergency declared in Armenia is exclusively used by incumbent authorities to add veil of lawfulness to political persecution.
In this situation fundamental human rights and freedoms are restricted and infringed, from the freedom of speech to the right to peaceful assembly and freedom of movement.
The future of the nation and the state is no longer a priority for the authorities, bat rather the delirium of extending their authoritarian tenure at all costs, affirmed by the new wave of political persecutions that has become visible through these last days.
Armenia hereafter is plagued not only by the pandemic, but also a political crisis.
In view of the above, the Armenian Republican Party:
firmly condemns the continuing autocratic style of action, as a result of which, one after another, numerous statesmen, politicians and civic figures end up in the claws of the repressive state apparatus;
acknowledges that through this the authorities deliver a blow to the security of Armenia and Artsakh, making us vulnerable against external threats;
reaffirms that the only shock-free way out of the situation is the resignation of Nikol Pashinyan’s powerless cabinet, putting in place, through consolidating the nation’s potential, energetic and professional transition governance to take the country out of the crisis, until snap parliamentary elections;
appeals to diplomatic missions accredited to Armenia and international rights-based structures to provide an adequate assessment of the crisis in Armenia, in particular - in the context of the country’s international commitments to democracy;
considers its duty, using all accessible opportunities, to inform RPA’s international partners of this statement.