The statement of the Executive body of the Republican Party of Armenia

Dozens of young people were detained by the RA Police today, as well as members of the RPA Youth organization, including YRPA Chairman Hayk Mamijanyan, together with the representatives of the “Adequad” Union and other organizations.
On May 14, 2020, the Government decided to extend the state of emergency in the Republic of Armenia for another 30 days. The state of emergency was initially declared on March 16.
At the same time, nearly all restrictions related the spread of the virus were almost completely lifted: the public transport was put into operation, all the shops, public catering facilities, gyms, preschools, etc. were opened.
In such circumstances, it is clear that the imposition of a state of emergency pursues absolutely illegitimate goals, one of which is to ban rallies.
With this move, the authorities prove that the only way to curb growing public discontent is to restrict people's basic rights.
Taking advantage of the state of emergency, the authorities are not really fighting against the virus, but against the opposition, trying to suppress the growing public discontent and dissent. Failing to fight the coronavirus, the government is taking action against hundreds of thousands of disgruntled citizens, unjustifiably restricting their fundamental freedoms and rights.
Republican Party of Armenia:
• Strictly condemns this practice of undermining democracy in Armenia.
• Requires the government to eliminate unjustified and disproportionate restrictions on human rights and freedoms.
• Urges the authorities to take urgent and effective measures to improve the social situation of hundreds of thousands of Armenian citizens, as well as to actually and effectively fight for people’s health.
• Attracts the attention of the international community to the deepening manifestations of authoritarian populism in our country.