The Arrest of Kocharyan was Organized in the Pre-Election Period to Strengthen the Atmosphere of Fear in the Country

To say that this decision has nothing to do with legitimacy means to say nothing. To say this decision is a definite political order, means to say nothing. To say that this is the personal revenge of Nikol Pashinyan, means to say nothing.
As it was expected, the Court of Appeal chose arrest as a preventive measure for the Second President of the RA, First President of Artsakh Robert Kocharyan. To say that this decision has nothing to do with legitimacy, means to say nothing. To say that this decision is a clear political order means to say nothing, to say that this is the personal revenge of Nikol Pashinyan, means to say nothing.
Obviously, the authorities and N. Pashinyan personally organized this detention in the pre-election period to strengthen the atmosphere of fear in the country, to expose the force and intensify the pressure on political opponents.
It should be stated that N. Pashinyan continues to undermine all possible constitutional norms and interfere with the judicial power through threats and other means. It is also obvious that the judicial power with all its instances has become an adjunct of the executive power and fulfills the order of the political authority.
The most dangerous thing is that the authorities use this measure as a means of extorting evidence.
Many representatives of power have spoken on different occasions that detention as a preventive measure should be applied in exceptional cases, but as in many other cases, these are just words. As a result, arrest does not serve its constitutional purpose, but has become an instrument of extortion and blackmail. This is evidenced by the fact that N. Pashinyan’s public position, as well as the content of wiretaps between NSS and SIS chiefs.
In this regard, we draw the attention of all international organizations, as well as international observers and international human rights organizations as it is meaningless to draw the attention of our country’s competent authorities to the current political situation.