Serzh Sargsyan was elected the RA Prime Minister

77 members of parliament voted in favor of Serzh Sargsyan, with only 17 against during the elections held at the RA National Assembly today.
The ruling coalition -the Republican Party of Armenia (RPA) and the Armenian Revolutionary Federation factions had nominated the candidacy of Serzh Sargsyan.
According to the Constitution, the President of the Republic immediately appoints the candidate elected by the National Assembly as Prime Minister.
RA President Armen Sargsyan has already signed the decree on appointing Serzh Sargsyan to the post of the Prime Minister. “Based on the decision of the National Assembly after April 17 on the election of Serzh Sargsyan in accordance with Part 5 of Article 149 of the Constitution, to appoint Serzh Sargsyan as Prime Minister,” - the decree states.