Seminar followed by a festive event dedicated to the 30thanniversary of the ArtsakhMovement

On February 22, a seminar was held at the Shengavit regional organization of the RPA, followed by a festive event dedicated to the 30thanniversary of theArtsakh Movement.
Participants of the ArtsakhLiberation War, Yerkrapah Volunteers, Shengavit administrative district staff and RPA members took part in the event.
The main goal of the event was to present the consolidation of the nation three decades ago, its willingness to live free in the securecountry.
February 13,1988 was a turning point in the history of Nagorno-Karabakh. The people of Artsakh raised their voice in defense of their rights and freedoms - the Armenian population of NagornoKarabakh demanded the reunion with Armenia. This event was a turning point not only for the people of Artsakh, but they also predetermined the future way of the Armenian people. And the crown of this movement became the restoration of independent Armenian statehood.