RPA Youth Organization grants nominal scholarships to students receiving military education

On January 31, a group of students receiving military education were awarded scholarships after Garegin Nzhdeh, Ashot Navasardyan, Vazgen Sargsyan and Andranik Margaryan at the initiative of the RPA Youth Organization. According to Karen Avagyan, Chairman of the RPA Youth Organization, this program is being implemented for 12 years and aims to encourage students receiving military education. “These students will receive an additional 50,000 AMD scholarship each month from the RPA Youth Organization in the period of their studies. We have initiated this project for students who show excellent results and have exemplary behavior, as we believe these students should be encouraged. We have to do everything to make military education attractive. Military profession is honorable, and we should encourage young people,” - said Karen Avagyan.
It should be noted that Garegin Nzhdeh Scholarship was received by Manuk Muradyan, a 4th year student at the Khanperiants Military Aviation University,
Ashot Navasardyan Scholarship was awarded to Artashes Gyozalyan, a student of the Military Medical Faculty of the Heratsi Medical University,
The fourth year student of Vazgen Sargsyan Military University, Arayik Tamrazyan, became a scholarship winner after Vazgen Sargsyan,
Andranik Margaryan’s scholarship was given to David Andreasyan, 12th form student at Monte Melkonian Military College.
Arayik Tamrazyan is from Artsakh (Martuni region). He is an artillery and studies at the Military University after Vazgen Sargsyan. Arayik notes that the scholarship obliges him to consider further learning: “If the university has offered me a scholarship, it means that they trust me and I will do my best to justify that trust,” - says Arayik and adds that after completing his studies he will continue the service in the border guard unit in Jarmak. Let us notice that Ashot Navasardyan’s widow, Hasmik Navasardyan, deputy chairman of the Republican Party Galust Sahakyan, chairman of the RPA organizing committee Ruben Tadevosyan and Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan have handed over the scholarship certificates.