Reporting meeting of the initial organization N 20 of RPA Qanaqer-Zeytun territorial organization was held

On 14 October, 2016 a reporting meeting of the initial organization N 20 of RPA Qanaqer-Zeytun territorial organization was held. 25 members out of 32 participated in the meeting. 7 members were absent for excusable reasons. The meeting was attended by the Dean of the Faculty of Agribusiness and Marketing of the Armenian National Agrarian University Hrachik Javadyan, Coordinator of the territorial organization L. Mazmanyan and Member of the Council of the territorial organization A. Hayrapetyan.
The agenda of the meeting:
1. Report by the Chairman of the initial organization on the works carried out by the initial organization,
2. Election of the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the initial organization,
3. Election of a delegate to RPA 16th Congress,
4. Other questions.
Participants of the meeting voted and unanimously adopted the agenda of the meeting.
Within the frameworks of the first item of the agenda the Chairman of the initial organization Jasmena Aristakesyan presented a report, noting that the initial organization headed by her had achieved a success for the reporting period.
Participants of the meeting voted and unanimously decided to assess works of the initial organization satisfactory. Jasmena Aristakesyan was elected Chairman of the initial organization, A. Sargsyan and E. Tovmasyan – Deputy Chairmen.
The Dean of the Faculty of Agribusiness and Marketing of the Armenian National Agrarian University Hrachik Javadyan was elected a delegate to RPA 16th Congress.