“Andranik Margaryan” Political School

The Republican Party of Armenia announces admission admittance for the main course of “Andranik Margaryan” Political School. Duration of the program is 4 months. It starts in November, 2016 and ends in February, 2017. Classes are held on the premises of the Central Office of the Republican Party of Armenia /2 Melik Adamyan Str., Yerevan, RA/ thrice a week /Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 18:30-21:00/.
The applicants should meet the following criteria:
• Age: from 20 to 40
• University degree /student or alumni/
All interested people, who meet the above mentioned criteria, in spite of party membership, can apply for the political school.
Applicants will be selected on the basis of the submitted documents and interview. Knowledge of foreign languages is privilege.
Documents necessary for admission are the following:
• Application /you can complete the application form via the following link
• CV
• Electronic copy of passport
• Electronic copy of Diploma or a reference from the higher education institution
• Electronic copy of foreign language certificates /if there is/
• Electronic copy of certificates for educational or social-political activities /if there is/
All the necessary documents can be sent via the following e-mail:
The deadline for submitting applications is 20 October.
Students, who complete the program successfully, receive a Graduation Certificate.
For additional information please call via the following phone number (010) 54 50 79.
«Andranik Margaryan» Political School
Republican Party of Armenia