RA Military-Industrial Commission Holds First Meeting

The Military-Industrial Commission of the Republic of Armenia held today its first meeting in the Office of Government, chaired by head of commission, Prime Minister Hovik Abrahamyan.
Welcoming those present to the first meeting of the Commission, Hovik Abrahamyan noted: “On March 25, 2015, the National Assembly passed a law on the military-industrial complex, which seeks to ensure sustainable, coordinated, legal, economic, social development of the Republic of Armenia’s military-industrial complex, as well as to lay the foundations of scientific and technical personnel policy.
Dear colleagues, the situation on the border of Armenia and NKR, which is “no peace, no war" and especially the April events were a serious impetus to the need to create new approaches to the development of the military-industrial complex.
In our priorities we have always singled out and stressed the importance of reliable protection of our borders and ensure the country’s security. In addressing this vital problem is the crucial retooling of military-industrial complex based on innovative technologies, scientific achievements and its further sustainable development, which will contribute to the proper implementation of the military-technical policy of the State.
Among the subjects of military-industrial activities a special role is attributed to the Military-Industrial Commission of the Republic of Armenia. The aim of the Commission is to submit proposals to the Government for the development of the sphere. The Commission should do everything to make a meaningful contribution to the development of the country’s defense..”
The meeting approved the candidacy of Deputy Minister of Defense - Chairman of the State Military Industry Committee David Pakhchanyan for the post of Secretary of the Military-Industrial Commission of Armenia. They also approved the chairmen of sub-committees candidacy of military-technical and scientific-technical council at the Commission.
In particular, senior researcher, head of the research laboratory of film formation of the State Committee on Science of the Ministry of Education and Sciences, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Ernest Nazaryan was appointed chairman of the subcommittee on engineering, Academician-Secretary of the National Academy of Sciences of Armenia, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, corresponding member of RA NAS Hrant Matevosyan - chairman of the Sub in physics and Electronics, Academician-Secretary of the department of Chemistry and Earth Sciences, National Academy of Sciences, director of A. Nalbandyana Institute of Chemical Physics SNCO, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Academician of RA NAS Levon Tavadyan - chairman subcommittee of Chemistry and Biology, Director of the training Department of Synopsys Armenia CJSC, Head of the Fund "National engineering University of Armenia," the RA Ministry of education and science, doctor of technical Sciences, corresponding member of RA NAS Vazgen Melikyan - the chairman of the subcommittee of information technology and information security and Chairman of Enterprise Incubator Foundation, doctor of technical Sciences Bagrat Yengibaryan - chairman of the subcommittee of innovative technologies.
Then David Pakhchanyan introduced the draft presidential decree on further development of military industry referred to as “On approval of the strategy of industrial-military and military-technical policy.” A keen exchange of views was held, at which the commission members presented their views and made suggestions.
Prime Minister Abrahamyan instructed to once again discuss the document with all concerned agencies and submit a finalized version of the Commission.