Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan's congratulation on the Day of Armenian Army

Dear compatriots,
Today is one of the most important holidays for our people- the birthday of Armenian Army. The army which being one of the most important achievements of our independence, just 24 years after its creation has become the most efficient army in the region and ensures the stability, peace and safety not only of our homeland but of the whole region as well. This day is another opportunity to remember all those heroes whose devotion and selflessness made it possible to create out army. Hats off to our glorious heroes! We are grateful to them and bow down our heads before them.
Dear soldiers, officers, respected veterans of Armenian army and azatamartiks!
I want to wish all of you strong health and will, strength and courage. I am sure that you will go on feeling pride of being the soldiers and officers of our glorious army and with the same decisiveness and honour will go on taking your duty for the sake of peace, safety and welfare of our homeland and people.