The results of the assessment and analysis of the activities carried out by the administrative districts in November 2015

During the working meeting in Yerevan City Hall conducted by Mayor Taron Margaryan the results of the assessment and analysis of the activities carried out by the administrative districts of the capital in November 2015 were summarized. Presenting the summarized rates of the work carried out in various spheres of urban economy Mayor's Advisor Arayik Kotanjyan noted that in the mentioned period the highest results were shown by Davtashen district, Shengavit came the second and Erebuni-the third. The lowest 10th, 11th and 12th places were taken by Ajapnyak, Arabkir and Kentron districts respectively.
Stressing the particular importance of systematized work of the administrative districts Mayor Taron Margaryan once again instructed the heads of the administrative districts to work consistently to provide proper results in accordance with the system of assessment.
«Within the frames the 4-year program of Yerevan development in 2016 we have a lot to be done. Therefore, to provide long duration of the programs aimed at the proportional development of the capital and gradual solution of the problems outlined by the residents, we must do our everyday work consistently. I am sure that as a result of teamwork we will be able to carry out all the programs which we presented our citizens», said the Mayor of Yerevan.
the heads of the administrative districts shown the lowest results were instructed to eliminate the defects in the shortest time. The Mayor also noted that such an approach of assessment of the work of administrative districts best way reflects the effectiveness of the work carried out throughout the year.
During the meeting the results of the analysis of the activity of the municipal departments and divisions in November of 2015 were presented too. The rates of the performance of annual programs, RA laws, decisions and decrees of the government of the Council of Elders of Yerevan and the Mayor, the responses to the applications and letters of the citizens and state establishments, hot line phone calls, were summarized.
Referring to the rates of the analysis Mayor Taron Margaryan generally assessed the work as positive, however he called the persons in charge of the departments and divisions of the staff to go on working consistently to improve the results.