


 Today, President Serzh Sargsyan invited a meeting with the participation of the governor of Syunik marz and senior staff of the regional administration to discuss the social and economic situation in the marz for year 2014 and the period of January-September of year 2015, existing problems, priorities, and programs of development.
“I was in Syunik several weeks ago and personally observed the accomplished works, particularly, in Kapan. I felt the positive impact which those works had altogether on the creation of the urban milieu, as well as on the development of the region’s industry and on the economy in general. To provide for serious and substantial development, we should be able to maintain and preserve what’s already been done. Why am I focusing on this issue? Because I have no doubt that you are aware of a difficult situation which exists in the mining industry of our country and, particularly, at the Syunik plant considering the fact that the prices of metals at the international markets have plunged. We, of course, should be grateful to the owners, to the employees working at the plant since they do everything they can to maintain the normal operational regime of the enterprise when profits are actually close to zero. In situations like this, the plant should be given every support by the leadership of the marz – regional administration and local governance bodies.

Another area, which in my opinion possesses great potential, is tourism. The Tatev monastery complex with its aerial cableway is the so called jewel of the southern part of our country, a magnet. I am confident you’re aware that the number of tourists visiting the Tatev grows with each year – foreigners and locals. The number of visitors has grown tenfold. We should be able to address certain problems. First, we must connect the touristic routs of Vayots Dzor and Syunik. This should become one unbroken chain, considering the fact that one marz is the continuation of the other. It will be very convenient for the tourists without getting back to Yerevan be able to continue their travel. Second, we must maintain our historical and cultural monuments in proper shape. The most important thing is to prevent, to exclude any illegal construction or undue intervention. It is inadmissible to destroy nature, particularly around the historical and cultural monuments. The position on this issue shall be very strict.

This year we will make invitation for bids, and next spring we will start the implementation of the largest project in the history of our country – the construction of the North-South highway and we will start with its southern segment. In spring, we will start the construction of Agarak, Kajaran segment which will cost 150 million USD, and on this too we need the assistance of the local governance bodies and administration of the marz. People must understand that illegal constructions built on this segment of the road will be treated accordingly. This is number one. Number two, probably a little less on this particular segment, but on other sections of the road it will be necessary to buy back private land slots. With this regard, the situation should be clear for the people, so that they don’t hinder the realization of the project. There is no doubt that a construction project of such scale will provide additional jobs.
In recent years, we have invested over five billion drams in the health care system of Syunik. Hospitals in Goris and Kapan have been renovated; soon the newly constructed hospital in Meghri will also be opened. Nonetheless, statistics show that the number of those seeking medical assistance outside the region has not decreased significantly, despite the fact that Syunik is the most remote region of our country. It means, there is a problem, and the regional administration has a lot of work to do on that direction. Modern health care facility is not just about nice conditions and up to date equipment. There is also the problem of specialists, and the problem must be solved. Many people from Syunik are studying at the medical establishments in Yerevan. It is necessary to work with the specialists, to create conditions so that they return back here.

There is no doubt that Syunik marz has great opportunities for the development of animal breeding sector. We will continue to work on the irrigation of the remote pastures; however to provide for serious progress for animal breeding in Syunik it is essential for the people to see the results of their work and be able to sell their products. With this regard it is necessary to carry out serious work on the creation of milk processing enterprises. Investors should be found, and, probably, first of all for the Sisian region. It is necessary to apply the same approach which was utilized in the case of creating fruits and berries processing enterprises in Kapan. I am sure our commercial banks will assist with extra funds, so that such an enterprise becomes a reality. It is also very important to work with the experts from the Ministry of Agriculture. A number of agricultural enterprises, farmers in this region produce cheese, but they produce different sorts of cheese. These people should be joined in unions and produce cheese which is in demand on the markets. I am aware that the Minister of Agriculture visited here and that a certain agreement was reached. However progress we are making is not too impressive. When people see that the business is profitable, they will undoubtedly engage in it.

Knowledge and education are of special significance in Syunik. In recent years, we have made investments here but at this point we consider a large program in the area of secondary education, to be more precise – we will commence the program next year. Naturally, the program includes the schools of Goris, Kapan and other communities. In this area too, investments will be significant. Each year, when at the Presidential Palace I hand out awards on the results of the academic year, among the awardees there are always kids from Syunik, bright kids. We must further these results, we should be able to augment the teaching staff with young and high-quality cadre,” President Serzh Sargsyan said at the beginning of the meeting.
Governor Surik Khatchatrian reported in details on the works carried out in the region in the accounting period, on the existing problems and programs of development. The Executive Director of the Armenian Fund of Territorial Development (AFTD) Ashot Kirakossian reported on the investments to be made in the communities of the region.

The President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan gave instructions: in particular, the Minister of Economy and governor of Syunik were instructed to work out together with the mining enterprises, which are virtually operating in no profit mode, to work out a mode of operation which will allow to overcome the existing problems and assist the mentioned enterprises on the issues related to the attraction of foreign financial resources for the implementation of the investment projects. The mining enterprises are also to be provided the utmost assistance when it comes to state support or issues directly under the jurisdiction of the local governance bodies.
In order to ensure the improvement in certain communities of Syunik marz of the existing chain from the processing of fruits and vegetables as well as animal products to food security and exports, the Minister of Agriculture was tasked to discuss in the framework of the programs to be realized by the Ministry of Agriculture the possibility of providing overall assistance to the programs on constructing in Syunik marz modern slaughterhouses and refrigerating sets and refurnishing of the existing facilities. The corresponding proposals are to be presented to the government for approval.

To ensure a comprehensive development of the region’s tourism potential, the Minister of Economy was instructed together with the Minister of Culture and Executive Director of AFTD to include regional hubs Goris and Meghri as well as certain cultural monuments of the region in the forthcoming programs aimed at the development of tourism in Syunik marz. They were also instructed to arrange for the development works on the necessary infrastructure and ensure efficient tourism services (such as incentives for hostels, artisan workshops, organic food and beverage producing enterprises and encouragement of new small and medium enterprises, training of professional administrative staff) and to engage in the process of formulating corresponding proposal with local governance bodies and companies which provide services to tourists.

To provide for modernization and improved administration of the region’s health care system, the governor of Syunik marz was instructed together with the Minister of Health to examine the results of the all-inclusive modernization of the region’s health care system to further improve the regional system, including measures to retrain medical staff and attract narrow specialists.

The governor of Syunik was instructed to provide a comprehensive assistance in ensuring a troubleproof implementation of the program on alienation of land slots for the construction of the Kajaran-Agarak segment of the North-South highway and provide for proper conditions at the construction sites, as well as together with the Ministry of Urban Development to keep watch and ward over the regulation of the urban development at the regional touristic hubs and close to the cultural objects.

To provide for the renovation and construction in the marz of educational, cultural and sport facilities, as well as develop infrastructure in certain vulnerable communities, the AFTD was instructed to initiate the process of inviting tenders for feasibility studies and construction works on the pressing programs mentioned in the report. In compiling future programs, the priority should be given to the programs related to the urgent renovation of the educational institutions of the communities.

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