EDS members meet with Vigen Sargsyan

On 10 December the members of the largest youth organization in Europe, European Democrat Students (EDS), met with the Secretary of the Commission on Coordination of the Events dedicated to the Armenian Genocide Centennial, Chief of Staff of the Armenian President Vigen Sargsyan.
Vigen Sargsyan stressed the fact that the council meeting of this European organization is held in Yerevan, noting that 2015 is a special year for Armenia which commemorates the Armenian Genocide Centennial. Speaking about the Armenian Genocide, the speaker said that the Armenians were massacred inside their historic homeland, lost their property, but they have been able to regain their statehood, mobilizing their forces, language, culture, historical heritage.
He stressed that Turkey continues denying the fact of Genocide thus begetting new genocides. That is why Adolf Hitler told the army during World War II: “Who, after all, speaks today of the extermination of the Armenians?” Not only does Turkey continue denying the Armenian Genocide, but it also keeps the border with Armenia closed.
“We talk about the Genocide not because it’s pleasant for us but because the topic of genocides is urgent now, especially in this region. Not only are we willing but also have to and are obliged to touch upon it”, said Vigen Sargsyan, representing major programs implemented in 2015 as part of the commemorative events of the Armenian Genocide Centennial in order to tell the world the truth and prevent future crimes.
According to Vigen Sargsyan, the Armenian people continue to call on Turkey to recognize the Armenian Genocide, come to terms with its past, and cease to be an accomplice to the crime committed a hundred years ago.
At the end of the meeting Vigen Sargsyan answered the European students’ questions, which related to the Armenian Diaspora, Armenian-Russian relations etc.
It should be noted that the EDS Council meeting is hosted in Yerevan at the invitation of RPA Youth Organization. Since last year RPA Youth organization has joined this international organization.
EDS delegates will visit the Armenian Genocide Museum Institute today.