Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan's congratulation on the international day of Disabled People

Dear friends,
December 3 is marked worldwide as the Day of Disabled People. Declaration of such a special day by the UNO is an additional occasion not only to focus public attention on the problems of the people with disabilities but also to summarize the activities carried out in this direction and to work out new projects. Making Yerevan more available for everybody has been one of our priorities. Particularly in recent years Yerevan Municipality has been consistently implementing the programs aimed at making the capital more available and convenient for everyone. And such programs certainly contribute to the integration of people with disabilities into society. However, we realize that there is still a lot to be done, so besides disbursing financial means from the community budget we will try to level cooperation with the private sector so as to involve additional means for the implementation of similar programs. I'd like to state with pleasure that from year to year the cooperation between Yerevan Municipality and the organizations engaged in the problems of disabled people is becoming more and more effective. The latter take active part in the implementation of the programs aimed at the improvement of the sphere.
Dear friends,
I assure you that we will go on consistent implementation of our policy and within our powers we will do our best to find soutions to all existing problems.