Awarding Ceremony in the National Assembly

On November 17 the RA NA President Galust Sahakyan on the occasion of International Students Day awarded the Chairs of the Students' Council of a number of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Armenia and the heads of the youth organizations.
The young people were awarded the Memorial Medals and Letters of Appreciation of the President of the National Assembly, as well as the Diplomas of the National Assembly,
Highly assessing the activities of Karen Avagyan, the RA NA deputy, the Coordinator of the Board of Trustees of the Youth Foundation of Armenia, Galust Sahakyan awarded him the Medal of Honour of the National Assembly.
Congratulating those awarded, the President of the RA National Assembly noted: “The pulse of the state is considered to be the young people, they are the country’s motive force. Future is yours: you should be able to observe your role in the establishment of the state in a new way. You should become the banner-bearer of the independence you inherited. Today, the issues concerning the youth are at the RA President’s centre of attention, and serious programmes relating to you are implemented in the country. Passing through the ordeals, the Armenian young people reach successes in the spheres of education and science, at the same time sacredly defending the country’s borders and serving in the Armenian Army.”