Galust Sahakyan Congratulates the Representatives of the Local Self-Government on Local Self-Government Day

The NA Speaker’s congratulatory message reads:
“Dear representatives of the local self-government, I congratulate you on Local Self-Government Day!
Including this day in the state holiday calendar means to highlight the place and role of the local self-government in the economic and public-political life of the country. It is also the evaluation of the local self-government bodies as an important state and public institute.
The system of the local self-government is one of the first touchstones and pillars of our statehood and Constitution. It has been already about 20 years it is the voice of the power by the citizen, and the voice of the citizen, community by the power. The communities, which are our symbolic small motherlands, make complete our one big motherland, the Republic of Armenia, and the local authorities have an honourable mission of providing the development of the small motherlands as a pledge of the collective strength of the big Motherland.
The local power is the power being very close to the people, and its main capital is the people’s trust. The latter is a powerful, and at the same time, very sensitive and gentle instrument, through which we can only reach successes. Through the very local self-government bodies the citizens realize the right of taking part in the solution of the problems defining the quality of everyday life and the voice of protecting the interests of the community. And as mutually reliable are resident-local self-government body relations of the community, so visible are the achievements, so big is the potential of the country, so big is the trust in general towards the state power.
I am sure that the joint efforts directed to the rise of the efficiency of the local self-government will give opportunity to successfully overcome the difficulties, have more convenient and prosperous communities and more developed more welfare country.
I wish all of you and everybody health, welfare and successes in your work for the benefit of every community and for the benefit of our united state.”