From October 26 to November 1 open air agricultural markets will work every day

During the weekly working meeting in Yerevan City Hall it was reported that 4 cases of illegal construction and land occupation had been revealed the previous week, in 2 cases the construction was dismantled.
Concerning the prevention of open air street vending it was reported that 11 disciplinary reports had been drawn up. Mayor Taron Margaryan instructed to go on strict control jointly with corresponding bodies of the administrative districts and to forbid the activity of pavilions separated with plastic covers.
‘Some companies engaged in open air café services cover their objects with polyethylene because of the rainy weather and try to prolong their activity, however their contracts have clear requirement regarding the season character of their activity. This also regards to the types of open-air commerce permitted by law. So, set tight control over meeting the contractual requirements by the entities and exclude violations”, said Taron Margaryan.
Concerning the quality of public transport service it was reported that during the inspections carried out the previous week 46 disciplinary records had been drawn up. It was also reported that 21 cases of car selling in inappropriate places had been revealed. The head of Legal Department reported that 75 cases of waste dumping in inappropriate places had been revealed. Repairing of flat and slope roofs and porches in the blocks of flats is coming to the end in the administrative districts.The mayor instructed to finish the work within a short time providing the quality of the work. During the meeting it was also reported that preparations were being made for the citywide tree planting and clean-up anticipated for November 14.It was instructed to study the areas provided for the planting and to include hem in the process. At the suggestion of the RA Ministry of Agriculture, by the instruction of Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan the open-air agricultural markets organized at the junction of Komitas avenue and Kasyan street and nearby “Malibu” café will be open every day from October 26 to November 1. The Department of Trade and Services of the Municipality and the heads of the administrative districts of Kentron and Arabkir were instructed to provide proper organization of the everyday work of the markets.