Galust Sahakyan Meets with the Head of the Syrian Parliament

The Speaker of the RA National Assembly Galust Sahakyan met with Mohammad Jihad al-Laham, Head of the Parliament of Syria in Geneva. The meeting took place within the framework of the 133rd Inter-Parliamentary Assembly.
Welcoming the Head of the Syrian Parliament, the Speaker of the RA National Assembly has noted that Armenia suffers a great pain in connection with the events in Syria.
“We are more than friends with Syria. We never forget that the Armenians who hardly survived the Genocide, were warmly accepted in Syria and necessary living conditions were provided,” Galust Sahakyan noted in his speech.
Talking about the Armenian-Syrian parliamentary cooperation, the Speaker of the RA Parliament has noted that the deputies of the RA National Assembly regularly visit Syria, get acquainted with the situation on the spot and give detailed information to him. Galust Sahakyan has also noticed that one of the reasons of the absence of the full condemnation of both the Armenian Genocide and other genocides of the world is that today in the world there are wars with the features of genocide and other phenomena.
Speaking about the multilateral cooperation with Syria, the Head of the Parliament Galust Sahakyan assured that the RA parliamentarians would continue to be on all international platforms next to the brotherly Syria.
The Speaker of the Syrian Parliament invited Galust Sahakyan to Syria.
Mohammad Jihad al-Laham thanked his colleague for the meeting and noted: “The Russian-Syrian alliance has already registered serious successes. We are thankful for being next to us and supporting us, and I ask you to convey the gratitude of the President of Syria Bashar al-Assad to the RA President Serzh Sargsyan.”
Speaking about the works of the Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union, the Head of the Syrian Parliament has noted with pain that double standards are used towards them by the international community.