It has been instructed to set strict control over the activity of condominiums

During the regular working conference taken place in Yerevan City Hall Mayor Taron Margaryan was reported that permanent control was carried so that the requirements made by Yerevan Council of Elders regarding obligatory improvement of surrounding areas by individuals and legal entities as well as regarding trade and services would be met. As a result of the control 79 cases of violations were revealed last week. It was reported that during the same period 143 cases of waste dumping in inappropriate places had been revealed and disciplinary reports were drawn up. As a result of the control over open-air street vending 14 cases were revealed and taken into account. Mayor Taron Margaryan assigned the heads of the administrative districts and corresponding services to activate the measures taken in this regard and to keep the process under control.
Concerning the everyday control over the quality of public transport services it was reported that 42 disciplinary records had been drawn up during the inspections. As a result of the supervision carried out in the sphere of urban development during the previous two weeks 9 cases of illegal construction and land occupation were revealed. At 4 locations the constructions were dismantled. Within the frames of the joint program between Yerevan Municipality, administrative districts and condominiums repairing of flat and slope roofs of the blocks of flats is going on in the administrative districts of the capital. 672 flat roofs and 719 slope roofs have already been repaired and the process is being carried on. Mayor Taron Margaryan instructed to finish the work as soon as possible keeping the quality under tight control.
“I am sure that the activities must have been finished earlier and it hasn’t been done because the deadlines of purchases aren’t determined correctly. Determine more sensible terms in this regard in the future. As regards this year’s activities I expect you to finish the work within a short time providing the quality of the work done as well. We shouldn’t forget that the implementation of this work is a direct obligation of condominiums, and as a token of good will Yerevan Municipality every year assists in the implementation of these activities. Thus, the heads of the administrative districts are to demand and supervise proper and timely work of condominiums”, said Taron Margaryan.
Concerning repairing and mending of the asphalt cover in streets and yard areas it was reported that the work had been mainly over. It is coming to the end In Davtashen, Malatia Sebastia, Shengavit and Ajapnyak districts. Mayor Taron Margaryan instructed ti keep the process under special control.
During the working meeting it was also reported that communication lines and vital facilities are being installed in Nor Kharberd living quarter. Asphalting and external lighting installation have been finished. To solve the problem of drinking water and irrigation new water lines and water pumps are being installed. To provide proper electricity supply new electricity pillars are being installed, new substations are being constructed.
“Next year we are going to carry on the work in Nor Kharberd so that in 2016-2017 the program will be completed”, stressed Taron Margaryan.
Inspections by corresponding subdivisions of the Municipality are going on with the aim of checking the quality, safety of food catering and sanitary conditions in kindergartens. Improvement of green areas is also going on in the capital. It was instructed to get ready for autumn tree pruning. At the end of the meeting it was reported that the previous week, within the program of “Erebuni-Yerevan 2797” celebration 1400 parents of fixed-period servicemen visited their sons serving in the frontier military units.