By the initiative of RPA Youth Organization the students of Yerevan State Institute of Theatre and Cinematography got familiarized with the reforms of the Bologna Process

On 16-18 October in Tsaghkadzor the students of YSITC participated in a number of educational seminar-discussions by the initiative of Youth Organization of RPA and the Student Council of Yerevan State Institute of Theatre and Cinematography.
The opening ceremony was attended by the Head of RPA Youth Organization Karen Avagyan and the Project Coordinator of the Youth Foundation of Armenia Arusyak Poghosyan, who held a discussion on the current youth issues.
The Head of RPA Youth Organization Karen Avagyan noted that he is ready to support еach student to implement their creative programs.
During the three-day meeting the students held a meeting with the Rector of YSITC, as well as the Chairman of the Student Council of YSITC Armen Sargsyan and the Chairmen of the Student councils of the chambers of the higher educational institution. During the meetings it was discussed the issue of consolidation of co-operation between the institute and its chambers.
Later the students participated in a seminar-discussion on the reforms of the Bologna Process, which was led by the Head of the Centre for the Further and Continuing Education of the International Relations Varujan Avanesyan.
Within the frameworks of the program a number of cultural projects were held, as well as a screening-discussion of “Wandering” /Taparum/ rock-opera.
On the final day it was proposed to establish a student scientific centre in the institute.
The students visited Kecharis monastery.