Galust Sahakyan Receives the Vice-President of the European Parliament Ryszard Czarnecki

On October 16 the RA NA President received Ryszard Czarnecki, the Vice-President of the European Parliament, the Vice President of Euronest Parliamentary Assembly.
Welcoming the guests in the National Assembly, Galust Sahakyan noted: “The European Union has been and remains one of the important partners of Armenia. We have repeatedly underlined that our cooperation with the EU is, first of all, based on the system of common values. We are resolute to continuously deepen and expand our relations with the European Union.” Touching upon Armenia’s membership to the European Economic Union, the NA President has stated that it is conditioned by the geo-political situation, and it stems from the interest of our country.
Galust Sahakyan has noted with satisfaction that on the eve the Council of the European Union approved the mandate of the negotiations on the new, legally binding and wide-scale framework agreement with Armenia.
Talking about the peaceful settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh issue, the NA President has documented that it is one of the priorities of the RA foreign policy, and Armenia sees the solution of the conflict exclusively under the auspice of the OSCE Minsk Co-Chairs. However, the constructive approach of Azerbaijan is concerning, which results in the escalation of tension and new victims on the line of contact.
The NA President added: “The non-solved conflicts cannot justify the destruction of fundamental freedoms and dignity. The caviar diplomacy has become the state policy of Azerbaijan: the authorities of that country try to restore their discredited authority in the civilized world through roundabout ways.”
In that context Galust Sahakyan has underlined the decision on the suspension of Azerbaijan’s membership to Euronest Parliamentary Assembly: it testifies to the authoritarian ceasefire in the country.
The Head of the Parliament highlighted the RA National Assembly-European Parliament cooperation, the political dialogue and mutual visits, as well as highly assessed Mr Czarnecki’s participation in the Armenian Genocide dedicated to the events in April of this year.
Thanking for the reception, Ryszard Czarnecki, the Vice-President of the European Parliament, has stated that he visits Armenia for the fourth time, however as a Christian, he cannot forget his visit to the events dedicated to the Armenian Genocide Centennial. He has stated that he was glad to represent the European Union in Armenia during those days and he considers April 24, 2015 as a crucial moment for the Armenian people: many people heard about the Armenian Genocide for the first time.
Ryszard Czarnecki emphasized the expansion of the EU-Armenia relations and the mutually beneficial cooperation.
At the end of the meeting the President of the National Assembly Galust Sahakyan awarded Ryszard Czarnecki, the Vice-President of the European Parliament, the Vice President of Euronest Parliamentary Assembly, the RA National Assembly Medal of Honour for the contribution made to strengthening of inter-parliamentary friendship relations.