Mayor Taron Margaryan met with the members of Saint-Petersburg delegation

Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan met with the Vice Governor of Saint-Petersburg Olga Kazanskaya who arrived in Yerevan to participate in «Erebuni-Yerevan 2797» celebration. Greeting the guest Mayor Taron Margaryan expressed gratitude for accepting the invitation and noted that this visit witnesses not only tight cooperation between the two cities but also warm friendly relationship.
՞The new program of cooperation between the two cities signed fro 2015-2020 shows that our partnership are really successful and perspective. I am sure that this new phase of cooperation will enable cooperation expansion and implementation of mutually beneficial projects for the welfare of the residents of the two cities. I am also sure that this meeting will give a new quality to the implementation of constructive projects between Yerevan and Saint-Petersburg՞, said the Mayor.
Expressing gratitude for warm welcome and conveying the greetings of Saint-Petersburg Governor Georgi Poltavchenko to the Mayor Olga Kazanskaya congratulated Taron Margaryan on the Day of Yerevan and noted that Yerevan is a stable and reliable partner for the northern capital of the RF.
՞The new program of cooperation is a new opportunity to find joint solutions to the problems of effective urban management. In this aspect the centuries-old friendship between our cities as well as your consistency in the implementation of the programs of cooperation, Mister Mayor, are of great significance and promote more practical and noticeable cooperation. I am sure that after this year's celebration of Yerevan's Day we will as usual return to Saint-Petersburg full of wonderful impressions՞, said Olga Kazanskaya.