RA National Assembly President Galust Sahakyan Sends Congratulatory Message on Librarian’s Day

“Dear employees of the librarian system, I congratulate you on Librarian’s Day.
Today is the holiday of those who like the book: the holiday of those who write books, keep them and read them.
Before publishing, the book is the writer’s property, after being published you become the one who keep and disseminate them. In the reading halls of the libraries there is meaningful and profound silence which brings up and educates, gives knowledge and teaches to think. You, giving language to that silence, create direct dialogue between the book and the reader which traditionally never interrupts.
Today, the libraries also become beloved venues of holding different cultural events, including book presentations. Library work is in the process of modernization, and the librarian’s work extends its content, however, never loses its significance and value. Despite the quick development of information technologies and communication means, the book itself never loses its value and remains as an irreplaceable source of knowledge, and librarian is reader’s faithful support.
I am sure that your invaluable work will continue to promote the contact and rapprochement of people and culture and art, the upbringing of the citizen and especially the growing generation and sowing all-human values in them.
Thanking them for disinterested devotion to their profession, painstaking and patient work, loving book and preaching it, for inspiration of permanently being useful to the reader, I wish you health, welfare and optimism.”