Member of RPA Youth Organization represented the RA Student issues and involvement in the social life

On 29 October in the capital of Macedonia Skopje by the initiative of “European Democrat Students” organization /EDS/ and “Konrad Adenauer” Foundation /KAS/ the program on “Youth for growth: Strengthening generation E” was held. The RPA Youth Organization was represented by the Chairman of the Student Council of Yerevan State Medical University Ani Raphyan.
European Democrat Student is a student and youth political association and represents over 1.600.000 students and young people in 36 member organizations from 35 countries in Europe. It unites student organizations, political youth organizations and other centre-right organizations to shape modern centre-right policies for Europe.
Its main goal is to promote a free, democratic and united Europe through greater student mobility and comprehensive education policies across the continent.
Within the frameworks of the program the participants held meetings with a number of public figures and had discussions concerning student programs, co-operation and challenges.
It was also spoken about the youth employment issues, educational policies of the 21st century.
At course of the EDS meeting the member of RPA Youth Organization represented the youth involvement and participation in social activities, development of culture, sport, and education, issues and achievements concerning those steps.
Concluding meetings were held at the end of the program. As a result of the program new contacts were established with other student organizations, as well as EDS representatives which provides platform for further co-operation and presentation of the problems and interests of the Armenian students in the largest European student organization.